Saturday, July 18, 2015

Kangen water

In the recent months, I have been meeting a few friends who have been advocating the importance of water and I felt it to be very apt to share with you what they have been sharing. We are sure there are people who have been searching for solutions. 

Here is a testimony of our friend Katie, a former cancer patient who has recovered from this terminal disease completely.

Katie's Testimony​ (written by her) 

In June 2012, I was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer.  I was advised to go for surgery to remove the tumour which I readily agreed. After 1 month, the Doctor referred me to a cancer Specialist and I was given the choice to go for chemo treatment.  Being a Christian, I prayed to Jesus for direction.  And God brought me 4 friends who went through chemo and their advice was if I have the choice, do not go for chemo because most chemo would bring down our immunity and made difficult for my body to fight back the remaining cancereous cells which may still be hiding in my body.  I took their advice seriously and prayed about my choice, i.e not to go for chemo and I felt the peace but I also told myself if it didn't work, I have to bear all the responsibility because I was the one who made the final decision.

At the same time another friend recommended me to this renowned TCM doctor.  In the past, I never believed in TCM but nevertheless, I gave it a try.  By the way, there were many friends offered me different kinds of solutions but eventually I choose TCM even though it was very costly.  Within a span of 7 months, I spent over 20K on this TCM alone.  Though the TCM was good but somehow, I still felt weak.  And I had a breakthrough in Chinese New Year 2013.  What happened was I met this lady from my Church at our Pastor's house and she is a Distributor for Kangen Water for this company call, Enagic. Immediately, she recommended me Kangen water to drink and also to cook my TCM.  To my surprise,  my TCM worked so well with this water, I got a my energy back and when I went for my colonscpy 3 months later, the Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. Subsequent tests also showed good result, till now. Later on then I understood that Kangen Water has micro-clustering properties, meaning the moledules are small compared to tap water, so it can absorb over 90% of the nutrients to my cell level and removed the toxin waste from my body as compared to using tap water to boil my TCM which only absorbed about 60% of the nutrients into my body cell. Besides, drinking Kangen Water, I changed my diet, changed my lifestyle by sleeping early and do exercise. Now, I avoid BBQ and deep fried food because they produce free radicals and red meat like beef, mutton and pork because they are acidic. And no milk, less sugar for me because all these are cancer causing agent. Also no can food or preserved food on my dining table.

 Now my diet consists of :-

 a)  Fish and chicken.
 b)  All types of vegetables especially Broccoli, Asparigus, Tomatoes, Red Carrots, Chye Sim, Purple Cabbage, Beet roots, Lotus roots etc. 
c)  All kinds of fruits except durians.
d)  Nuts like almond, walnut, hazel nut, cashew nuts, pistacios, etc. (note:  peanuts are not very good)
e)  Soya beans, black beans, long beans, french beans, etc.
f)   Fresh or Dried Mushroom (eg. shitake, golden mushroom, etc) but not the canned mushrooms.

****How you prepare them is very important -- Cook them by steaming, boiling or stir fry.  DO NOT DEEP FRY or BBQ them and don't reuse your cooking oil.

Basically, I am returning to basic.......Now, I am a healthy individual and a champion cancer survivor and I thank God for giving me a second chance.

Note:  According to my TCM Doctor, Chinese monks and nuns also suffered from cancer.  Two reasons to this, one is because they deep fried things their "tow kee", mock prawns, fish, etc or BBQ them and taking in all kinds of pesticides because their fruits and vegetables contained oil base pesticides which cannot be washed off with tap water but our 11.5pH can.

Katie and Henry 

Henry shared this article with me which is about how our body oxides title : The unsuspected serial killer

Body oxidation is commonly known as the cause of creating free radicals in the body, which would in turn attack healthy cells to turn them into irregular cells that cause chronic diseases and cancers,  if unchecked. 
And hence we have in abundance all kinds of anti-oxidants in the wellness market to reduce the oxidants in our body.​ But why is it that the rate of people contacting cancers and chronic diseases are still growing at an alarming rate?

This is mainly due to ​the the most unsuspected serial killer inside us -----the water we drink.

Using the Paper Clip test 

How do know if our ​drinking ​water is oxidizing?​

Here is an easy testing you can do yourself. We all know oxidation will cause metal to rust. So to tell whether the water you drink is oxidizing, you simple have to put a paper clip in a jar of your drinking water (boiled tap water, filtered water, bottled waters etc) If the water can oxidize the paperclip and turn it into a rusty paper clip, it means what you drink will create your body oxidation too. If the water you drink is oxidizing, no amount of supplements you can take to replace the oxidant in the water you drink, as 70% of our body is water, and 90% of our blood is water. T​he remedy Change the water to water that is full of anti oxidants. Kangen water is one that is full of them (active hydrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium).Therefore it will not rust the paper clip, When you drink Kangen water, 90% of your blood will become antioxidant and as a result will strengthen your body. 

Please see pictures  

The paper clip in tap water is still rusting over 6 months, and the clip in kangen water is still unstained for the same period.​
If you believe in taking antioxidant supplements then you should drink anti oxidant water. That’s the only way to make the major part of the body anti oxidant, Thia is the best way to protect your family from cancer and chronic diseases.

I hope this helps you with understanding what can potentially help you in your lifestyle. With the permission of Katie and Henry, they have gladly left their email in this post for you to contact them. God bless and we truly hope this post can be of some help. 

Please contact Henry at 90623535 or for enquires on the benefits of the water or to contact Katie!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

KidStartNow: Show and Tell Camp

Those who I have met up recently will know our family is great fan of KidStartNow. We have been gushing about how it has helped V enjoy Chinese and singing along to the CDs we have in the car. I haven't been around most of the Saturdays as I was on business trips. Like a month ago, Daddy was giving his feedback on the lessons and asked V to read her KidStartNow school file while we were having our lunch. To my amazement! She read almost every word! To me this is time and money well spent on a child. Her interest has spiked and this has brought relief to me most of all since I am 'in charge" of her Chinese (sad to say the responsibilities lies on me)

Why does this works for us?

The school has everything we need for our child. It includes role-playing, which builds up confidence and gives her the opportunity to speak out versus reading in groups. It helps her build up vocabulary by the introduction of their animated storybooks (designed in-house and based off new Primary school syllabus) Their teachers and curriculum are 100% focused on helping English-speaking kids love to learn Chinese and excel in primary school (most centers cater to a more diverse range of students) The class environment is very encouraging, and they celebrate small victories and not let kids feel demoralized. 

We have been with the school for 2 terms now and Dan offered us a holiday program, which is a comprehensive 4 days introduction to their regular schedule. 

Show and tell and word recognition camps (6-8 year olds, 4 days 2 hours per day)
•   Focus is on preparing English-speaking kids for show and tell in primary school by boosting vocabulary and oral confidence
•   Some role-playing activities as well, together with a show and tell presentation in front of classmates on the last day
•   K2 kids who join this camp must have a requisite level of spoken Chinese
•   Develops interest in reading and learning Chinese through animated storybooks
•   Max of 10 students to a class
Intermediate role-playing and conversation camp (5-8 year olds, Bedok, max 10 per class)
•   Jul 7-10 (Tue-Fri, 10-12pm) or Jul 21-24 (10-12pm)
•   Targets international school students and kids living in non-Chinese speaking countries that are back on holiday
•   Requires basic understanding of Chinese
•   Focus on role-playing and oral conversation and not on word recognition
•   More fun and less academic vs regular enrichment classes
•   Develops interest in reading and learning Chinese through animated storybooks
•   Max of 10 students to a class

•   $295 per child, or sign up in groups of 2+ to enjoy a discount of $55 per child ($240 vs $295 per child)

Here are some photos that the school sent over.

I pulled some comments up for your reading pleasure: 

Daddy's review: I like the payment scheme (truth, he doesn't mince his words) it is affordable a term and most importantly it is effective. 

**I got you the latest pricing, weekdays/weekends
N2: $350/$390 for 12 lessons
K1/K2: $380/$420 for 12 lessons
P1: $360/$400 for 10 lessons

Teacher Hong Mei 's comment: Victoria’s ability to listen and speak Chinese is getting better, and is growing in confidence when speaking and presenting. In particular, she was able to loudly (relative to the past) and accurately conduct the show and tell presentation, and we are really happy about her improvement. Keep it up!

Victoria: I like to play and watch the videos that they show in class. I love the classroom because it feels like I am in the ship.