Wednesday, February 20, 2013

HOW I became a SAHM

On a blog train (u can click on the logo to read post of other stay at home mummies)

Readers of this blog will know I used to be flying with Singapore Airlines and left as a Leading Stewardess, Yea the one in green uniform (aka as Ninja turtles), u can see how HOT I used to look!!!
I look silly with The ST right ?
actually it was my 2nd last flt and it states 120708!!

You see not all mummies decides that being jobless was the way to go, for my case in my previous company -  
I was just forced to be jobless. 

Yes, basically no choice but to leave without a job, no option of being grounded because my previous company do not think its feasible to keep staff that are pregnant. Odd? But it is a living fact! still is.... sadly.

The next 1 year was a disaster, mainly because for a person who started flying at 18 years young, Singapore seems aloof. The streets of London, New York, Sydney were more home then HOME here. It was then at 30 years young, SAHM based in Singapore, I finally started to see policies made in Singapore to be not family oriented. Being exposed to what was out there for the last 11 years, family policies pale in comparison here. I remembered vividly that one fine day, I actually keyed in my computer "Companies that are allow women to work from home" "companies that are pro-children" and many more. Ermmm of course in Singapore, you cannot find any.

It was pretty frustrating that an able person at her prime cannot find anything to do except to be a pregnant mother. That is how the blog came about too, since I could not find any job to do but have a lot of things to say or tell.  I remember how the mummies in the forum who was ask to leave because of their pregnancy. You see, in retrospect being pregnant is not a liability.   We are all as smart as we can be, darn capable I may say.

So, society made me a SAHM...

When the baby was born, it was a real fun... except as SAHM we do not get any 'ME' time, financial means, help. The housework has naturally bestowed upon us- coz we don't work! Odd, sadly true yet again.  I needed to breath and options of getting a help seem not the right option. I mean, yes I need time out but I don't need to mother another person in my life and costings was way too high. It was at this point, I grieve for motherhood here in Singapore. I read alot and skimmed through many forums, and it seems that the government has no regard to people who chose not to work. ermm...

I have few options it seems.

1. Not work
2. Work part time but who takes care of the baby? there was no option of childcare benefits for part time work. Like isnt part time work, work still?
3. Go back into the workforce - 11 years experienced with a degree

I had to work my way out of the Singapore System. The system that thinks working 9-5pm must be the way to go to be successful. But then again what is success in Singapore?

My definition of success is that the person is very well balance in her life. I strive to find that something that allows me to see my children daily, have personal time with my husband and yet have finanicial independence.

NOW? I run my own business - Enriching Women's Lives... amazing isn't it? I became a Flexi SAHM.

$AHM Linky Badge photo NetWorthSAHMbadge_zpsf095377d.jpg


Adeline said...

Way to go!

Agatha said...

Awesome! An inspiration :-)

Unknown said...

Tks girls.. support is really important as a sahm

Madeline Heng said...

Jiayou! :)

Unknown said...

I totally understand! And you look just as hot now as you did then!

Unknown said...

Tks mad and adora!!1

Sarah SAHM said...

Ah! Singapore Girl!
No wonder you look so polished!
Yummy Mummy!

Bravo on finding your own positive place to overcome the challenges and being a flexi mom!

Btw, my SIL was a Chief Stewardess with SQ too. She left to have her babies, and now she is going back to her job soon. Maybe you know her!

Well, PREGNANCY and MOTHERHOOD are NOT economic liabilities lor. Someday, by raising our own children, we shall all make the rest of the world realise that IMPORTANT things in life are beyond economic measure.

Thanks for linking up!

mabel :) said...

When one door closes on you (whether you were forced out of it or not), another door will open for you.

so happy that you managed to start your own business despite being forced to leave your job :D

~Summer~ said...

woho nice to read your story and hope we can inspire others and prove that SAHMs have so much more value than they think!!! =) You must miss flying though (ok maybe just a little when your kid is not bothering you), I love to see the world too!

Daniel said...

Good to hear from your POV. My wife is a SAHM to 4 kids. This April 1, the new subsidies for child care for working mums will kick in. You only need to work 56 hours a MONTH to qualify for subsidies.

Good news - my wife will open up her own online shop and will then qualify for the subsidy (check with your CC centre for the exact process).

Bad news - CC centre rates for half-day CC and full-day CC are often exactly the same. We intent to send them for full-day CC and take them home after 4 hours.

Daniel said...

Good to hear from your POV. My wife is a SAHM to 4 kids. This April 1, the new subsidies for child care for working mums will kick in. You only need to work 56 hours a MONTH to qualify for subsidies.

Good news - my wife will open up her own online shop and will then qualify for the subsidy (check with your CC centre for the exact process).

Bad news - CC centre rates for half-day CC and full-day CC are often exactly the same. We intent to send them for full-day CC and take them home after 4 hours.

Anonymous said...

No sympathy from me.

Don't tell me you signed your contract with SIA 11 years ago you didn't know you would be let go when you become pregnant. In fact if you hadn't made lead stewardess you would have been let go even earlier!

I agree being pregnant is not a liability but certain jobs are just no suitable for pregnant women as much as feminists like to rant about being equal opportunity. Flying just happens to be one of them. Not only are you exposed to lots of radiation but you are supposed to be responsible for the safety of the passengers. Which is difficult considering that you would be in danger yourself the very moment the plane hits a patch of turbulence.

There are many other examples like firefighter or professional soldier but I shall not go there.

Being pregnant is a choice, so is your career path. You went into this 11 years ago with your eyes open (I hope) knowing that this moment might arrive one day. You had 11 years to plan you move out before you start a family. You did not. So as much as I hate SIA (loyalty benefits suck) I wouldn't blame them for your lack of foresight or planning.

And, to be frank, a flight stewardess is not exactly a lifelong career which is why you were paid so much more compared to other industries. You could have saved up to start your own business because to be frank the job experience is not really very useful unless you want to join a US carrier where they are hiring flight attendant all the way into their 40s.

My 3cts.