Singapore Travel and Lifestyle Blog
The Smart Local :
Baby Blogs
Adeline Oon -
A very visual photo blog with memories of what my family and I see, eat, cook, craft and travel.
My encounters in life as a mother, daughter, wife and friend.
Adora Tan -
The story about a once carefree man, a once rather organised woman, and the baby (soon to be two!) that changed all that.
Alicia Tan -
This is the story of how I became an accidental homeschooling mum. I am also homeschool junkie who regularly reviews and share experiences on homeschool curriculum, resources and enrichment workshops/classes. In between all these, I blog about parenting thoughts and share recipes for some wholesome homecooked food too. :)
FTWM with 1 girl (2008)
Attends chinese kindy daily
Amie Chen -
A full time working mother of 3 kids who loves to ramble about topics related to motherhood, children's growing phases and anything interesting under the sun.
Angeline Foong -
A SAHM with 2 boys, KeatKeat & Binbin. Blogging about every child that comes my way, sharing thoughts and tips on handling children's misbehaviour from my previous experience as a child care center teacher. Understanding your child eliminates frustrations in parenting.
Angeline Ng -
A SAHM with 2 kids - my lovely princess and my sweetie little man. I blog mainly about my parenting journey, homeschooling activities and cooking.
Angeline Sim -
A photo blog documenting the precious milestones of our daughter's growth; with random insights on bringing up kids as modern day working parents; sprinkled with huge doses of treasured memories too precious to leave to the tiny recesses of my brain to store.
Ann Thomas -
Beautiful Revelry is a collection of creative thoughts and deeds, nudging you to live a life full led by inspirations.
Ariel Lim -
Follow Hann to goes places and events in Singapore for kids from 0 to 101 years old.
Jade meimei records her 1st years as a baby, covering topics that concern mums as well as babes.
Candice Yang -
A personal journal on my life as a missus, a relatively new mother to one and soon, two, and the every other little things that matter to our family.
Carol Tan -
A blog created especially for my boy to read when he is older.
Cendrine Lim -
About Life is what life does.
I am a mother of 1 who spend the days alternating between my work, cooking, baking and blogging about of our daily snippets. My personal space, Snippets of Joy, where I record down every single events in my daily life and my daughter’s growing up days.
Cindy Chia -
My notebook of thoughts, observations, recipes and my life in general.
Constance Tan -
Corsage -
My life as a Woman, a Wife and a Mother.
Crazymommy Sg -
The Lazy Stay-At-Home-Mom, residing in US, and have been blogging on and off for the past 8 years. Nothing is off limit in this blog, but I usually blog about craft projects, bentos & homeschooling activities I did with my two children.
Dee Loh -
A Singaporean mom's jotbook on parenting, family, nature and life. It's no easy task being parents - the responsibilities that come with it are even more daunting in our fast-paced society and fluid culture. Pruning the character and nurturing my child to be God's best are our goals.
Delphine Tan -
Working mum of two blogging about the things we do as a family. Lots of pictures, especially of food.
Denesa Goh -
A mother of a 8-year old boy and a "teenager", "Parent Times" is the open space where I share parenting insights, my random thoughts and some of my adventures as a parent with two growing up boys in their transforming stages.
Dominique Goh -
Personal blog of an elementary school teacher, freelance writer and mom of three who blogs about education, parenting, reviews and recommendations.
ECL Tan -
Edlyn Giammy / MummyEd -
My thoughts on life as a WAHM of 2 boys and soon a girl, kids' activities and parenting in general.
Eileen Too -
SAHM to two cheeky boys, 10 and 5...I have not been updating my blog for more than a year...but am so tempted to pick up the momentum again... because when I blog, I remember the beautiful moments in details...
Elaine Ho -
A diary of my experience as a full time working mum and as a Singaporean in a mostly expat community in Singapore. Along the way I try to share tidbits of hopefully useful information.
Emily New -
This is a lifestyle blog of a working mother in Singapore. It covers topics on family, parenting, education, food, online shopping, skincare, reviews and everything beautiful in life! ♥
Estelle Wang -
A juggling Wahm of 2 lovely kids. My Blog, my passion in my little kitchen. :)
Estelle Wang -
Another blog of mine:
It contains information pertaining to home, kids and also book reviews.
Will try to update.
Esther Low -
A single mum who wishes that her dear girl isn't growing up quite so fast! Blogging & hoarding gorgeous memories since 2005. xoxo
Esther Teo -
Mother of 2 boys, who love eating, shopping, diving and enjoying life whenever possible!
Evelyn Tan-Rogers -
Life after parenthood can be fun! For this year I'm trying something new every day; you're also invited to share your story of "new" on my space.
Fannie Teo -
I am a mother of 3. Blog revolves around happenings in our lifes. Focus is on our parenting journey, marriage and of course, the kids' milestones and growth.
Florinda Tay -
I blog about family, parenting, my children, life as a mumtrepreneur, lifestyle.. whatever that inspire me that day or week. I love to be able to read back on my blog when my memories fail me :)
Hai Fang See aka Rachel See -
A mother of 2. MalMal Our Inspiration is a place where I share my thoughts and inspirations. It is about finding joy in the little things in life where memories are made of.
Incredibles Mum-
I love to blog about my two incredibles kids, I hope that when they grow up, they will be able to trace back to this blog to see their growing up journey, and when we grow old, and have frail memories, we can still rely on this blog to recall fondly those precious moments we had before with our lovely children.
Irene Soh-
Mother of 2 and perhaps counting.... A spot where we kept re-visitng to remind the kids the wonderful childhood they had so far.....
Jacqeline Ho -
A FTWM of 2! I started this blog years back, so it use to be mainly about me. Now its flooded with posts about my 2 kids!
Jasmin Ho -
I am a FTWM who has neglected the blog for a long time ever since my boy was born.
I blog about my brood of 3 and my ups and downs as a Mother, a wife, and how along the way I lose and find myself many times over.
Jean Chua -
I am a homsechooling mum of 2 who also love handmade and update our bits and pieces via facebook. Used to document ours on mommyjean but was set to private many years back.
Jer Blinn Lim -
I am a fulll-time working mum of 2 wonderful boys. I blog about everything I love - my boys, food, fashion etc... I hope to share information to other parents as well as to keep wonderful memories for my boys when they grow up. :)
Jennifer Lim -
Started the blog to talk about my monster, then it veer off a teeny weeny bit to includes our family's life.
For me to post my thoughts (without husband asking me what happened lol)
Jo Hannah -
The life of a mad crafter (a thing of the past since the birth of my son) and full time mother
Jocelyn Wee -
Capturing the memories of my journey as a SAHM of 2 kids. Reflections on parenting and other random musings.
Joyce Shee -
Documenting my parenthood journey of raising 2 girls.
June Yong -
I write about everything, but my focus is generally on family life, children's learning & development, as well as drawing inspiration and lessons from the everyday.
This blog documents our journey as parents to two little boys, as well as shares about the little learning and crafty stuff that we do!
Katherine Tay -
My bog provides information and resources on teaching Chinese to your children.
Kei Yoo
My blog motivates me to do more homelearning with the kids, bring them out more (take more pictures!) and have a more exciting and fulfilling life. Or else, I will have nothing to blog about! Haha.
Klessis Lee -
The blog is about my two daughters and the things we do as a family. From time to time, I also share my thoughts as a full-time working mum.
Koh Chen Chen - (my blog has gone into a standstill as I juggle 2 kids, renovations and a crazy household of chores!)
Karen Yee -
I started this blog to document my journey as a mother to my little boy, Ethan. It is a journal I hope my husband, my child, our grandchildren and I can have. These will serve as sweet memories for a lifetime.
Leonny - http://www.oureverydaythings.comI'm a Mom of three young kiddos – Anya, Vai and Brie, and I love capturing life's everyday things in pictures, and blogging about life with children, parenting tips, activities for children, places to visit, and everything else which I find inspirational in a hope to inspire others too!
I'm a mother of one. My blog is about how I'm addicted to handmade and photography. Not only the two ya, playing is also in my top list.
I blog because I love to write. This blog is written for my 2 girls, and covers random perspectives from home-learning, travel, parenting lifestyle to life as a mum.
To record down the growing up about my 2 children
Liza Poh -
I try to write about anything that I'm in the mood for. No specific theme/topic.
If you are a Grammar Nazi, please don't go to my blog. I speak Ingrish and I embrace my inner Lian quite openly.
Lk Fft:
I'm a SAHM with one kid. I share mainly on recipes for toddlers which are simple, healthy and practical. Some of them are great for adults too! I also include tips and ideas on how to encourage your kids to have healthy eating habits.
LZmommy Jane: http://babieslz.blogspot.comA blog about my 3 kiddos & their bentos. :)
Lynn Koh -
Blog to document, to reflect. Also to share my trigger happy moments.
Madeline Heng -
I blog about my life as a mother to my little girl and I'm passionate about child psychology, breastfeeding, crafts and travelling!
Maryann Koh -
I am a mummy to two rascals (boys) :) i own and run The Studio Loft, shooting babies, kids, families and the very pregnant! This blog is a diary of my kids growing up, my photography and personal ramblings :)
Mary Heng -
A teacher currently on no-pay leave. I blog mainly about my family so that in the future, this serves as a diary for my kids to read. My lovely kids are Ch (born in 2005), L (born in 2008) and K (born in 2011, and happens to have Down Syndrome).
Mei Ring Lim -
Writing about fun, unique children related products.
Michelle Ong -
I am a SAHM, mummy to my darling daughters and son. The blog is where I recorded down all our various happenings, experiences and memories that we came across on this journey of parenting.
Mimi Yahya -
Graphic Designer, mom of 2 girls. Knack for kids fashion, picnics and DIY party setups.
Ming Yuan -
I'm a SAHM, blogging about our family and my motherhood journey. I also talk about all the things I do with my 2.5 year old daughter e.g. home schooling, craftings, outings etc so friends can have ideas on what to do and where to go with a young one. :)
Nadia Cheong -
A pen (in this case the keyboard) and the camera are two things that define me. I snap and I write. This is where you'll find short snippets of me, the world I live in, and my family of four.
...errr five if you count the cat. :)
Natasha Bounaparte -
A personal lifestyle blog where I capture snippets of my life, unadulterated. Currently pregnant with our first addition, I'm looking forward to documenting first-time adventures and experiences on parenthood and beyond.
Ng Hui Ing aka Ing –
I blog mainly about our 3 kids, things we do, places we visit and anything else that’s worth remembering.
Ng Shu Jing -
I blog about our first baby to the Ng's family noting the vast differences between working in a corporate world and working at home! This is a blog about my son and I's learning journey~
Nur'Ashiqin Mohd Rosley -
This journal is where I try to capture daily life with words and a click of my shutter.
Pam Tng -
This blog is about my three mad hair kids, my eating adventures and where we go. It's a mish mesh of what I do daily.
Pamela Tan -
I'm a mother of 3 lovely kidzes - an older boy Isaac born in 2007 and a pair of boy/girl twins Asher & Shawna born in early 2010. I mainly blog about the kids and chronicle our activities as a family. I am pro-breastfeeding and breastfed each of my kids for more than 18 months each. I also run an online retail/distribution biz at so I sometimes blog about my kids playing boardgames and I intend to also blog on my feelings and thoughts on starting a biz and being a mumpreneur.
FTWM (day job) plus an online biz (WAHM wannabe)
1 boy (2007), twins boy + girl (2010)
All three attend full day childcare.
Pauline -
I blog about anything and everything about my thoughts on motherhood, my kids and home cooked food :)
Pauline Kum -
I stopped blogging once I started working.... Trying to start again...
I blog and scrapbook digitally: my children and our daily moments. I also write on family travel experience, which usually takes place once a year.
Qiu Xian -
I blog randomly mostly on my family.
Rachel Lim -
On top of my life as a mother of 2 boys, I'm super addictive to paper crafts and a lover for handmades. ^^
Rachel Teo -
Blogging gives me a breather from the whirlwind of life, as helps me reflect about my role as a mom, wife and an individual. I write mostly about parenting, education and art/decor/fashion/handmades.
WAHM with 1 boy (2007) who attends kindy daily
Also blogging at
Regina Soejanto-Moo -
An inventory of shared experiences, musings and challenges in bringing up baby.
A collection of memories, joy and love - lest I forget!
FTWM, 1 boy (Jan 2011)
Deciding if I want to send the boy to 'school' at 18 mths or 24 mths!
Ruth Wong -
I blog about all things close to my heart: motherhood, parenting, lifestyle, home organisation, mumpreneurship, fashion and reviews.
Sarah Lee-Wong www.theplayfulparents.comAt my blog, we celebrate the joys of creative and good old fashioned playing with our children in every aspect of life. A resource commune for parents/educators to exchange and get inspiration on how we can raise creative, joyful children!
SAHM/ PT WAHM , 2 boys (Sep 2008 and Sep 2010).
Elder boy at 4 hour kindy in mornings.
Sandra Tan -
My blog chronicles how I juggle a full-time job and two cheeky little boys in my life... while still (attempting to) maintain my sanity!
Selena Quah -
Started blogging as a way to keep in touch with friends and family when my husband and I were in London. Now its about whatever leisure and activity I get up to on my own or with the family. Don't get to blog as much as I would like to nowadays though!
Serene Seah -
Aim to document the milestones of my boy so that he can look back to when he grows up. My homeschooling journey and places we brought him along to. The blog too includes my culinary journey as well. Paper craft coming soon !
Sharon Lavender - /
Oak Tree Baby is borne out of a realization that we can all parent with a
purpose. All kids are GIFTED and we can help them grow to be as STRONG
as oak of righteousness (courage, resilience, justice, integrity,
equity, compassion, kindness, patience etc,). I have a 3 yr-old and 5
yr-old and still counting. My hubby & I conduct parenting classes for toddlers based on Babywise curriculum.
SAHM/WAHM/facilitator for parenting toddlers
3 yr old (08) + 5 yr old (07) boys and counting!
Shereen Ng- and
The diaperbag blog records the adventures of my twins and my youngest as well as my insights into being a working mom, struggling with issues of creativity vs our education system and creating adventure and memories for the children. We also have a Facebook page where their funny observations on the world are recorded.
Sher-li Torrey -
A collection of stories and also advice that supports my main business - Mums@Work (Singapore). Also features interviews with Mumpreneurs, Career Advice etc.
Shirley Lee -
Hi, I spent for close to 3 years of my life being a SAHM after Yvette was born. I am now a Full Time Working Mum enjoying every bit of my life with my family and my only dd, Yvette. I realise that most of the stuff that makes life great aren't the big things, but the little minute details. With that, I decide to record and share my experiences here.....So that when I look back, I could remember how I have spent my life!
Shirley Ong -
A personal blog that chronicles the milestones and daily happenings of my 2 children.
Steph Tan -
A mommarazzi of two, I started blogging to chronicle my adventures with the little one/s while on posting in Kuala Lumpur. 'Roo and Red' is all 'bout the little ones, while 'StephTan.Com' is all 'bout my client shoots. There's even a section on 'H' which i tend to review whenever the husband frustrates me (a really good idea so far). Grin. ;)
Summer Goh - and
This is a blog about babies, DIY crafts, travelling and all things happy. It is a place where I share my joy of being a mum and of life. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of things, they just make the best out of everything that comes their way.
Susan Koh -
My blog chronicles my journey as a A Juggling Mom. One who is a FTWM who hopes to share resources on how moms can juggle the many roles as mom, wife and career woman on a daily basis. Blogs about activities for kids, new places to go, parenting, marriage, crafts, baking and food!
Tona Tuominen-Ng -
Ive not blogged in a while but I hope to kickstart my engine soon. Ive thus far been a silent reader on the thread. My blog is mostly about my little boy, Kimi, where we share all his growing moments, ups and downs. Everyday is an adventure for us cos life is a journey and not a destination. And I hope the little and big things we do together will be sweet memories for Kimi.
Veraday Poh -
My blog is about the small things, as well as the big moments, that I treasure. Now a mum to 2 young tots, I blog mostly about my kids' milestones, activities, and my thoughts on parenting from a Christian perspective.
Wei Wei Tan - http://tennisbabee.blogspot.comStarted the blog when my first kid was born and now I have 3, enjoy sharing snippets of interesting childhood anecdotes with friends. I hope that my kids will enjoy reading our shared memories together when they grow up and can actually plough through the entries.
Yee Mun Leow -
I started this blog originally to update my mum-in-law of my kids as we hardly meet up.
But it now contains snippets of my life... kids, cooking, sewing, anything that I wish to "freeze" into my memory!
Still... nothing too personal in terms of my thoughts and feelings, in case my mum-in-law is still reading the blog and disapproves of certain stuff! :)
Yen Tristano-
This brand new blog is a collection of random shots that I took. Hope you like what you see. It is still very much work in progress.
Yvonne Yeo -
I'm a proud mama of one. The blog is a space where I pen down my thoughts and share those memorable moments of my life. It was started off as a project to keep my SAHM's brain working when I realised all I could was coo and ga-ga to my baby. After a series of ups and downs, I have decided to STILL keep my blog that way. Do hop on over & say Hi! Looking forward to make more likeminded friends. ^^
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Zhenzhu Lin -
I blog about my thoughts & feelings on this parenting journey : )
SAHM with 2 boys (Nov 2009 & May 2011).
Elder son is attending playgroup for 3 hours per week
Personal Blogs