Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My goal

Many people have started coming up to me noticing a great change in me. Working towards a big goal is a challenge but you are like me waking up daily excited to discover and passing it on to others who hasnt got a chance to receive such goodness, it is to be a mission.

The goal to be a National sales director is not a title, it is a journey that shows the many people I have help create success and am part of their stories. I may not be an individual that reads the bible daily or speak of god. But I am a believer of my faith and that he will only put me in a place where my god given abilities and talents are made to good use. 

This is my give back for all the blessings that has come my way.  Learn to give only when you get to receive. Send me the blessings to constantly have the strength and positivity daily. Thank you 

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