Monday, July 27, 2009

5th month (part 2)

my 2nd part as of promised....

So I wrote about her milk, hair, biting, playfulness... I tracked back at her thousands of photos to find things to write about... quite the shag going through her photos... think its disgusting how much photos I'm taking 

In June we went for SMH's 6 mths gathering , ermm ya she was only 4 1/2 mths then... but what to do she is one of the youngest... can't tell the other mummies *chope* for my gal right?  Was great fun catching up with the rest and all the stunts the babies had in stored for us...  

all her galfriends
damn notti, eating her friend's hair!!!
 poor boy got slobbered
 kyan n john in their adidas romper.. blood bros
catching up on ol' times
*caught in the act* ... damn cute
touching the crystal ball

After that day at the gathering, BB [V] learned how to sit from her friends... damn bloody good influence.. self taught u know, really monkey see monkey do... 

The highlight of MY day... trying out the bloody expensive STOKKE @ $2100... damn shiok to push..  she didn't know she was sitting on a pile of cash... plenty cash... showed the photo to DD T see what his reaction was but he said I was crazy to buy this stroller... (plus the daughter didn't help act out her part) but hey was cool driving her around, thought she would fall asleep but she didn't...

Some where in mid June, we went a trial at Gymboree @ Habourfront... they start classes from 4 mths onwards so I decided to join the mummies too... kinda big mistake as BB [V] didn't quite enjoy the class as I would have expected. But then it was good exposure on my side, going for trial so that I can make a decision on which class I would like to join together with her, citing her personalities and character as she grows. 

i like the name tag.. kept it, pasted it on her member's card
this is Gymbo.. the silly clown
listening earnestly to instructions
Johnny boy, don't sleep leh
some aeroplane thingy.. came with a song but i forgot coz too busy taking photos
all the bbs luv this.. balls time
look at her.. still can cross legs..  
and yes, she was on a slope.. duh
balloon time
mini gymbo singing goodbye
she couldn't wait for it to finish
check out her TL face

It was all more fun for me than her, was so tired after the 45 mins session with the singing, climbing, carrying and all that crap. She obviously like you see in the photos, not happy. 

Both of us have decided not to join any left brain right brain shits or flashing thingys for they obviously are screwing us with the rocket high fees. (No offence, But of course if you have plenty money, why not?) Yeah, it will be good if my child knows orchid instead of flower , zucchini instead of cucumber.. but if she doesn't it ain't gonna hurt us or our ego.

DD T says if you are genius, you will be a genius.. no need to spend plenty money to start at less than 1 year old. 

So we agreed on culturing her motor skills instead, abit kinda of regret now cause this gal is so active and can do things too fast... oh well keke

Her 1st solids

as u saw in the previous post.. like a pro

Well we finally waited till she was 6 months to start on her solids.. was actually quite surprised I didn't succumb in giving her solids earlier since she was not much of a drinker. (*pats my shoulder*) Making this decision was fairly tough as there are so many people telling me that one can actually start at 4 months, that she should have more food since she is so skinny, put cereal in her milk blah blah blah... I got advise from the DR Tan and she said 6 mths... period  (I asked her 3times keke) 

So I went around searching for her 1st foods and liked this ORGANIX from Vitakids as it is gluten, wheat free, milk free, salt free, sugar free... it is white rice, fuss free preparation, most importantly it states junkfree ... 

She can have all the junk she wants after 1 year old I don't really care, I am more concern of her allergies noting the fact that daddy trev has eczema  and mummy flo has allergic rhinitis... we don't want her to go through the suffering of allergies which is why I'm still breastfeeding ...  I have decided on giving her 1 feed of formula milk a day (if not engorged) at night using NAN HA 2... mainly because it is closest to the composites of breastmilk  (in the current market), has probiotics, hypo allergenic, of course it has all that DHA, ARA shits... plus many more things that I'm clueless about...

She definitely loves her cereals but we are not so sure about the 2nd course though.. haha

I made a decision to start her on "Baby Led Weaning" as oppose of the usual puree-ed foods.. 

"Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is skipping thin and runny purées and not feeding your baby with a spoon.

 Baby Led Weaning means offering your baby (age appropriate) foods that are soft-cooked and cut or mashed into small easily manageable pieces. These foods are then given to your baby to eat.  You do the cooking, the dicing or mashing and the offering of the foods and your baby does the rest. 

 As with breastfeeding on demand, Baby Led Weaning is a method of introducing solid foods that leaves it up to your baby to decide when and how much to eat.  While not necessarily a "hands off" approach, Baby Led Weaning does advocate allowing your baby to make all food choices for him or herself."

Well the 1st try wasn't so bad, will see as the days progress if its a good decision.... for the grandmothers will have something to say about my fanciful and troublesome ways (in their eyes) 

Yes, I agree I'm different.... so is my daughter... :) 

Her Inaugural

I chose this .. Organic; no gluten, no wheat, no salt, no sugar.. basically no everything .. just for a good start (will take another photo of this)
BB [V]'s 1st cutlery set
Her 1st meal of her lifetime.
Hey what's this?
WTH u giving me?
Keke nice leh
Steady!! Can feed herself
Damn shiok (check out her toes.. steam!)
Hehe better wear bib
Doing well...
What? Got 2nd course?
Woot! I get carrots? (organic)
Shit this sux
Bopian... gotta eat
TSK how?
Aiyo really CMI
Nevermind play lor, eat cereal
Sianz.. Big time 
Errrrr... Should I vomit it out?
Eh.. nevermind lar 
Hey give me the spoon!!!
Hey where did daddy go? Bloody Rude!
ERmmm..... Finish-ED?
Our messy lil princess

(damn tired now its coming 3am, will upload videos tml and blog zzzzzz... just wanted to post the photos to brighten ur day!)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rough Week

Ever since my last post about her crawling, it has been really tough

She hardly sleeps!!!!!!!!!

She used to be able to clock a minimum of 30 mins to a max of 3 hours nap time but last week was 15-30 mins MAX

She sleeps late and wakes up early, when we try to put her to sleep, she cries like we are going to murder her.. her whole face will be wet from her tears and mucous dripping... 

wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to play, giving you her silly smile... (the smile that even lucifer will let her off) 

was really trying for me n Daddy Trev, we totally gave up and there was one night she played till 2 am and refused to sleep, while both of us were like zomb zomb..

We spoke about putting her in a Infant Care Centre to let her rough it out, as her BFFs are there and they can sleep any and every where! As they can cry till the cows come home and still won't get much attention... Boot camp!

I was pretty desperate and wanted to sign up for a sleep workshop  (yes to that extend!)... (sorry still clueless on how to hyper link :P)

But I googled her problem and did some light reading, they all explained that some babies tend to be overly excited when they find that they are able to do something new and is eager to practise... 

You know, its a double whammy for us as BB [V] is starting to sit n crawl.. yes I think she is an over achiever, my gal has that never say die attitude *yawns* .. but the daddy and mummy die

how long more???????

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Writer's block

I can't think of what to write.. lost my sense of wittiness, humour, burning urge to write...

I re-read my 5 th month's post n was like zzzz.. boring like shits..

Gotta write a part 2 cause there were heaps of missing things I was too lazy and there was no motivation to write...

Think i need a re-charge, re-vamp, re-organizing, re- something...

Gotta find something to spur the juices a little...

I wonder what.. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


We were on the mat doing our daily playtime.  There were not much toys for her to play as I decided to wash all of them. I am training her to sit upright and so enticed her with a piano so as she has some support. I left her a while to grab the camera to take photo of her sitting down but instead saw her struggling to take her teether. It was so impromptu but so endearing to video this moment of her crawling. 

Oh how fast time flies....

Her 2nd milestone; Crawl -14 July 2009 1356

Friday, July 10, 2009

5th Month

she is 6.65kg 63.8cm

BB [V] is right on track on the 50% growth percentile track. Growing tall and slim, no fatty nonsenses from this girl, she is determined to stay on her diet regime of being a model.

I spend money buying her nice bottles to drink from and you know what! She likes this bottle..

I bought it to try giving her water for her but realized that she enjoys drinking from this small bottle. So much for the Nuks and Avents teats.. She likes a Tollyjoy that cost less than $5... *slaps heads* (think she has the daddy cheap n good genes lol) So I happily bought another bigger one, but she doesn't like that teats, bloody fussy.. she likes the one for drinking juices coz the hole is bigger, so I bought a teat hole puncher, punch the biggest hole and she still don't like.. *plenty money* haiz

Her drinking has improved leaps and bounds, getting out of that weird behaviour of drinking 50-60ml per feed. She drinks 120ml every 3 hours now, that is when I'm at the Tays coz Grandma Clara don't advocate me nursing her. My dear mother likes routine so that she can do her things. So I play by her house rules and pump out my milk when I'm there. (mainly during the 5 days quarantine time)

But other then that she is on total breast feeding, I latch her exclusively when ever she is with me. But I do have a small tiny tin of formula milk for those days I am lazy to pump my excess and that others can feed her while I rest. But that is rarely as if I do so, I will have too much milk in the boobies and I will have to pump out. Then I will have bottles of milk in the fridge that will need to be consume if not it needs to be freezed. I don't like freezing milk coz I will need to use it and it upsets the "milk making machine" causing it to be tipsy turvy.

The minute we hit the 4th month, she started to drop hair, plenty hair...

Her 1st day

Now: her top view

Now: her back view

Like botak Victoria... Not very nice now, I kinda regret not shaving her hair... should have done so, at least it will be growing now. So I'm relying on nice hairpieces to prettify her, if not she looks like a boy. Got her more hair stuffs for 6 mths n older as she is growing out of those she usually use.. (I just ordered more, waiting now, ermm you know me, I don't stop)

Her tulip hat

Nice pretty flower band

This one is for good cause.. for little Charmine Fund.. its handmade.. nice right and not cheap, but for its for charity!

She found her toes this month and actually hardly sucks her thumb anymore. In fact I realized she stop wanting her comfort sucking.

Besides her toes, she enjoys biting and putting any and everything in her mouth. Guess she is starting to teeth soon. It will be a new lot of problems for us as I heard it can be quite bad for some babies.

Yes..She is starting to grab and eat Bam Bam! n Bamz is not happy about it..
She likes to bite her beanie pillow so we bought her...

Sophie the giraffe.! A lil tat expensive but its all 100% natural rubber, edible food paint, n its made in france and it looks damn good! Sad we can't use it in front of Bam Bam for our little monster lurves squeaky toys.. She actually seeks a good time to sneak the toy away and play with it..n I keep having to shout "Bamz NO SHARING OF TOYS!" looks like we gotta buy another one for her..

It is getting really easy to look after her and its great fun too! yeah.. She has finally learn how to play by herself either with her play gym, playpen or on the mat. But she does need people to be around her though and detest being alone. She has started to turn 360 on her tummy, moving out if her mat most of the time. I mean I bought her a big mat but she ends up on the floor everytime! Her greatest joy (and ours too) is the jumperoo, for now she can self entertain for quite while and its good for her motor skills.

This is Margo, and we are teaching her to keep him near, as the dogs, all 3 of them are eyeing on him.

Well June has been quite busy, mainly because Daddy Trev has been flying abouts and I run to Tays for solace as it can be quite mad-ing to look after her for 24 hrs. Daddy Trev bought us this Beco carrier so we can go out on short trips and have a walk with Bam Bam. It is so much more convenient than a stroller some times.. I like the fact it has a slimming effect and that I can nurse her whilst she is still in the carrier.

I'm dropping HEAPS of hair... :( ALOT!

and the curls are back...
Though most of my friends who have seen me says I look the same as before preggers but there is that nagging few kgs that is refusing to bulge.. I detest the arms and thighs area which is flabby but the tummy area is 'bout flat, at least I don't get a muffin top when I wear my old pre- preggers shorts (which is a big deal). It can get quite depressing when you go shopping and you chose a top or dress of your previous size. But the sales assistant looks at you and gives you a bigger size.. dokz.. fine! But I can't blame them as my old t shirts that used to sit nicely on the hips has since risen to my waist! No tks to my ever growing bosom...

I really need to start shopping more as I feel quite frumpy, basically because I'm always in my jeans, jeans skirt, jeans shorts... I dying to wear dresses more often but I can't as I need to nurse her and it really is very uncomfortable when you gotta pull the dress up.. (quite the unsightly too lar) If I wear nice tops, I have to wear my strapless bra but then I have to unhook so that I can feed her..(quite the cumbersome lar) Then you must be wonderng why am I putting myself in such difficult situation? Because I am a diehard breast feeding mother who believes in giving fresh milk.. :)

Haiz I can feel my body reverting back to pre preggers stage... I had my 1st ulcer in june, it has been ages! Besides that I think the sinus is coming back! I really dread my sinus for its damn bad and I will have to put up with it. (I'm sneezing as I'm writing this entry; no medication for the sake of good quality fresh milk.)

Oh but I did have my 1st glass of wine a tiny one... as I calculated and will be out for more than 6 hours, so I did sip a little in the 2nd hour.. I am so dying to open a nice bottle of french pinot noir from my wine fridge but I think its going to be a while...