Monday, July 27, 2009

Her 1st solids

as u saw in the previous post.. like a pro

Well we finally waited till she was 6 months to start on her solids.. was actually quite surprised I didn't succumb in giving her solids earlier since she was not much of a drinker. (*pats my shoulder*) Making this decision was fairly tough as there are so many people telling me that one can actually start at 4 months, that she should have more food since she is so skinny, put cereal in her milk blah blah blah... I got advise from the DR Tan and she said 6 mths... period  (I asked her 3times keke) 

So I went around searching for her 1st foods and liked this ORGANIX from Vitakids as it is gluten, wheat free, milk free, salt free, sugar free... it is white rice, fuss free preparation, most importantly it states junkfree ... 

She can have all the junk she wants after 1 year old I don't really care, I am more concern of her allergies noting the fact that daddy trev has eczema  and mummy flo has allergic rhinitis... we don't want her to go through the suffering of allergies which is why I'm still breastfeeding ...  I have decided on giving her 1 feed of formula milk a day (if not engorged) at night using NAN HA 2... mainly because it is closest to the composites of breastmilk  (in the current market), has probiotics, hypo allergenic, of course it has all that DHA, ARA shits... plus many more things that I'm clueless about...

She definitely loves her cereals but we are not so sure about the 2nd course though.. haha

I made a decision to start her on "Baby Led Weaning" as oppose of the usual puree-ed foods.. 

"Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is skipping thin and runny purées and not feeding your baby with a spoon.

 Baby Led Weaning means offering your baby (age appropriate) foods that are soft-cooked and cut or mashed into small easily manageable pieces. These foods are then given to your baby to eat.  You do the cooking, the dicing or mashing and the offering of the foods and your baby does the rest. 

 As with breastfeeding on demand, Baby Led Weaning is a method of introducing solid foods that leaves it up to your baby to decide when and how much to eat.  While not necessarily a "hands off" approach, Baby Led Weaning does advocate allowing your baby to make all food choices for him or herself."

Well the 1st try wasn't so bad, will see as the days progress if its a good decision.... for the grandmothers will have something to say about my fanciful and troublesome ways (in their eyes) 

Yes, I agree I'm different.... so is my daughter... :) 

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