Friday, May 28, 2010

sick... me

today is the 7th day..

I finally decided to open the lappie... woke up today feeling way better than the last few... did a shower and bam! the sick feeling came back again.. sigh ...Just when I thought I can go meet up with my girlies for a SATC movie or something...

I haven't never been so sick for a long time.. while in KL I kept popping Panadol extra to keep me going but the bloody weather made it real worse... came back Sin and popped some over the counter meds prescribed by my mil (she the pharmacist) and finally yesterday to the doctors' just outside the in laws... after 2 years of no illness, I realized I didn't have free medical anymore and I didn't have the energy to drive to Bishan for my good old family Dr- the one I go to when I was a wee one.

been slipping in and out slumberland the last few days... the head hurts and its groggy most of the time. Thank goodness for the in laws wh0 have been looking after BB [V] while I tuck myself in bed upstairs away from all the ruckus ...

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