Thursday, June 28, 2012

Being Pregnant....with Essential Thrombocythemia

Its our 4th pregnancy and 2nd child... we lost 2 at 6 weeks, with was real early and come to think about it sometimes having heavy period at 40th day could be a false pregnancy. I had it a few times, so maybe  there are more pregnancies that we didn't know coz I didn't count until I got married.

Yea, when we lost it the 1st time, it was pretty disheartening but it was actually expected as I got Essential Thrombocythemia.. What u must be asking hahahah!!! actually we found out after we had V and it was my 2 yearly body checkup that spotted it. My doctor raised the alarm as it hit 700,000 blood platelet, normal person like you all will be about 400,000 count. She tracked my old records and found a pattern  with found it to be this ET. I don't die from this la, its just a post pregnancy hormonal change for some women. After visits to the hematologist, she did advise us to have a child asap before it reaches 1.5 million, that is when I may have to medicate to control it as to prevent blood clots.

We did research and really there was nothing we could do about it... yes I thought I was going to die sometimes but hahaha... having a child then wasn't really an option as we wanted to see the trend of the blood platelet. Monitored it for about 1 year or so, and realised it wasn't going anywhere high, the it struck us that by taking time out ain't going to help us much by waiting. We started trying last year when V was about 2.5 years.... yes between that time we lost 2.  The 1st was hurting to both of us, so we took awhile before we tried again. After visits to experts it was really nothing we could do, noting that 60% of the miscarriage happens in the 1st trimester and the underlying reasons are unknown and it may not even be ET. We took aspirin when we tried for the next one, had specialists looking after me etc... but it still didn't work out. I do remember a time I did scream at Trev, but you all know my husband, the most supportive husband any wife can get... just stood by me. That was our 2nd lost, but I rested a few days, prayed and told him we can try again. He too at this time grieved pretty fast and we had a successful one the next month. 

This time round, there were no meds, no visits to any doctors until I text back Dr Han.. he insisted that I paid him a visit. He discussed with the specialists in the hospitals and they all agreed not to medicate me...just assurance. For me I didn't quite care if I was pregnant, continued working and didn't spoke about it till it past 1st trimester. Like what most people would say "No hope no disappointment." The family didn't even know we were expecting until I almost reached 5 months, u should have seen my FIL's eyes when we announced, his eyes popped. "you don't look pregnant!" hahahha. Actually I didn't feel pregnant at all.... Life went on as normal. Hardly ate, never put on weight and actually lost kgs. People who worked with me knew as I stopped training consultants for I cannot stand for long. I travelled as normal with the support of my ever best gynae who gave me green light for EVERYTHING except me going to exercise,.. exercise to him is walking and swimming. Come on he allowed me to eat "hum" - u know cockles? hahaha

I got prettier this pregnancy.. total weight gain at 6months 4kg! woots 
The baby carrying has been exceptionally fantastic .. the husband forgets that I'm pregnant until I come home with swollen legs then he remembers. I don't crave anything or rather I don't eat at home :P ... baby hates the food at home. The car is mine everyday, yea the FIL dotes on me to let him take his car and he in turn shares with Trev... kekeke. He heard about me felling faintish on the MRT once and never was there a time I was without a car, if he has golf.. I actually have taxi money from Trev woo hoos!!! feels like a blessed child now. 
pregger woes this round = heartburn and water retention

Most of the great friends knows about the pregnancy and I seriously steer away from negativity. Man,  this pregnancy I had a handful situations and it took me real hard to get away... for really if you have been in my position? Spending time listening to negative remarks, gossips sucks.  So thats why I only announced my pregnancy on my blog only now, for I had to fly away for 15 days and seriously AM NOT game for people to nag at me.  Doesn't help that I will be on the traveling on the plane total for 24 hours up and down. Hates kind words at times and I told the husband not to share much. He was pretty amazed that I didn't blog it down. But I did want to announce it together with my new blog header and all... but had second thoughts later. He was very cute and told me to refrain to blog it to avoid causing all my friends to have a child for the last round I did it, we had a record no of friends giving birth!!! best of all, they said cause they were inspired by my blog hahahhaah! Omg!! I think its safe now... *hopes

* note: Please email me if you have questions and wants to try to be pregnant. Email me at as I have privacy settings for my blog

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm back.. still jet lagged

Finally am home, I procrastinated visiting my blog but have to much info to input and it was mind boggling, had to get them written down before I do other stuffs. Am still pretty much jet lagged and missing my husband... like omg when is he going to be back? You see when you are tired and all, the husband usually makes life a lot easier by hearing the rants or getting the water, tidbits and whatever. But he is away for his biz trip and so.... I'm stuck doing stuffs myself , without the ability to "manja" to that someone.

Its been a long trip and man the photos sorting were killing me, I took my new hp the SIII for the trip. Then I had to upload them into Dropbox, coz the videos were taking up too much space and so sorting them out took me 2 days .. *damn. So much for trying to travel light... but nevertheless its a great phone  when you get to know it better...

I arrived into Singapore 7 months pregnant, absolutely drained after all the activities that was happening for the last 15 days. The FIL insisted that the helpers picked me up from airport, yea you heard it, the other helper came.... after going through 3 new ones that didn't pass through medical (trev didn't dare tell me), he finally chose a transfer, V had a part in choosing her apparently. I didn't care much for the process as the person who is in charge is still my MIL and her irrelevantly cleaning procedures. It was a great pleasure to be treated like a queen, man now I don't even need to do ANYTHING at home! Well just enjoy it while it lasts...  V was full of action with her new "Tita Gin" making her carry her, like a incumbent. Got me upset when we were home and she looked at me asking me to remove her shoes, darn she had a lecture from me! Seriously my daughter is having her princess syndrome, only because everyone in this house allows it to happen for the last 15 days I was away! I really didn't have the energy to talk to the helpers and MIL about discipline, I had to unpack, showered and slept! I just thank god that I have great support when I'm away for my business and that she is loved for. The new helper loves this girl, I heard them talking in "codes", got something up their sleeves.

I need to have back my energy but I am just so tired, sleeping on and off... trying to replenish my spirit back. Oh am also detoxing hahha, u need to do fibre drinks to clear that junk that are stored in my body oh man! the worse has to be aircraft food! I ate ice-cream for every sector I was on... exceeded my yearly quota keke! So yea, it drifting on & off to sleep, eating, texting... I don't have much energy to make calls too. My consultants and customers are so understanding to me, I told them action will start on 1st July...

So these few days, I have loads to catch up on... 1st of all.. I just rot and watch my drama series. Then complete my lists... after that I will be back.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Loving the new look

I'm loving this new look on my blog.. Got a designer to get it done. Will blog about her work when I get a chance to sit down in front if the computer.

This is going to a be a start of a crazy month and do blogging may take a back seat until I'm back. I'm flying on a biz trip to LA, Dallas, maybe HongKong (not firm yet). A total of close to 2 weeks and so I'm bustling to finish up my work before I fly and there is the packing and stuffs for the family that I have to settle before I jet off. Daddy is flying on the same day for work on the day I return and so this weekend is totally family time before I see him in July. I have a super big corporate training (tough company to deal with!) that I have to do on Monday + Tuesday, a session with my British ladies on Tuesday night. Wednesday will be errands day and packing. Thursday I whisk off....

We took this picture today and thought I will share with all..

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Staying a night away

My sister requested to have V for the night, the cousins are on school holidays and wanted to have a blast with her. It was slightly tough for us as parents to leave her ahhahahah as although both of us do go on biz trip without  her but this time round it seems different. 

We got her stuffs packed and although it was only one night, I think me and aunty nita went slightly overboard with it. My sister gave me a look when she took the bag, "sure or not? so many things?" But you know la, there will always be a reason for each item. We had 2 dresses, 2 oufits (shirt+shorts), swimsuit+lifevest, towels, toothbrush, sleep diapers, 3 panties, 2 milk bottles, water flask, 6 feeds... well it seems reasonable right?  oh we packed her 2 barbies too... 

That night, me and daddy didn't do much... I slept early coz it was a busy week. At about 10pm, we had a video chat with her just to check on her well being, like you can see *very happy. So totally no cause for concern. But I was told she cried just about to sleep, I guess she suddenly missed us. But was convinced very quickly by her cousins.... 
But on sat, we planned for shopping. Trev was on a roll .. bought ipad, watch and shoes. Ya, some bug got into him. I bought my new phone and we had a not so happening dinner and came home to welcome the princess.... man the stories that came back. hahhah we had a great time :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

dancing with fluffy

We have a maltese at home, she irritates us coz we all believe she is some pomeranian aka the noisy dog. I'm sure you all know that the pomps are famously known to be the barkers, they bark at everything! Back to my story.... we had the most docile, tame maltese named Kiki, she was like our floor rug. Doesn't give a hoot whatever goes around, she just lazes there hahaha. She passed on eventually ... so we got a replacement maltese which is by the way TOTALLY OPPOSITE!! This dog is crazy, she sleeps, eat and makes the loudest noise, didn't help that her partner on crime, the papillion is just as loud. So its a mayhem when they go into a frenzy..

This house cannot fit my crazy westie haha, so my mum looks after her. We tried having all 3, gosh it was so difficult as they will be fighting most of the time. The 2 whites will gang up to fight with the brown... then Victoria will join in the massacre. So one has to go.... my mum loves her deep so that one is in safe hands.

Victoria loves the maltese, coz no matter how loud this one can be... Fluffy actually allows all sorts of abuse from Victoria. Its terrible to look at sometimes... fluffy becomes her horse, pillow, catching around the house mate etc.. you get the gist. Its the fact she is so giving to Victoria that she actually entertains her in this... dancing mates. Its so cute to look at...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

doing chores at home

I grew up in my household learning to do chores at a very young age. I mean I knew how to fry an egg (basically cook my lunch) when I was in Primary 1, fill my own water bottle, take the school bus to school. Yeah, my family didn't have the luxury of employing help and my mum was working. So independence started real early for me.... My mother insisted on us doing our own housework, ironing our clothes, hanging the clothes, washing our own undergarments, I swept and mopped the floor. Yes I was no princess at home hahhaha.

But you see these training were great for me, I was considered a women with substance as I knew how to do housework. I was no dainty girl... I was able to fend myself when time requires. Then came the time I became a mother, my daughter has a helper, a doting grandmother, a careful grandfather, a daddy's girl. Damn, I can't stand her all pampered... Not to say we are getting another helper, which means she has 2 aunties at her beck and call. *danger

So I instructed the family to give her independence, she has to do things herself. Then this started..... she started helping with folding her dresses and panties... who better to learn from then the expert in clothes folding Aunty Nita!!!