Wednesday, July 31, 2013

My new bob with fringe

I decided to cut some bangs! My hair has been in a good condition after my TrichoKare Treatments and been having loads of baby hair!! I got bothered by my forehead and flat hair and needed a spruce... ya again. Sure you can tell by now that I'm a "fidget-er? Am not a person who can do repetitive things or rather be in the same O same O place. 

Long fringe bob
Did a bit of research and decided to do a bob with bangs.  I made a trip to my stylist and got a cut and some colours! I thought I will rock it much...  but manx, the weather did not help in maintaining it well. My hair became crazy and my natural curls didn't help being tame but went crazy instead!

looks like mushroom head
its the craziest at night!!!

As you can see from my photos, the hairstyle didn't sit very well on my head! So its off to get it treated and I chose to do the latest Korean Volume straightening/ perm.

"With just a single, three-hour TK treatment (Korean Volume Straight Perm) your hair will stay straight and silky soft for nine whole months with no upkeep!"
Found this on the web: 

T-K stands for “Thermal Korean Volume Straight Perm”. It basically consists of opening the cuticle on the hair by using the combination of thio and ammonia together. Incorporating the usage of technology allows us to process our unique formula in a fraction of the time. Once the hair has been processed and the cuticle of the hair has been safely opened, the hair can then be filled with the proper amino acids and nutrients that are necessary to be present on the hair in order to maintain healthy, strong, shiny hair. We then take advantage of the hair being soft and the cuticle remaining open to redirect the hair and flat iron it designing the perfect desired straightening process according to the client’s needs. Clients also have the option to incorporate our new digital wave master in order to achieve the perfect permanent curl. 

Really didn't want straight straight hair for its such an old trend!!! I just needed it to be neat and easy to maintain coz humidity didn't help my natural curls to do well  in this bob.   Thought I will share that this treatment actually rolls your hair! I sat in the salon for 4 hours and omg.. just too long!

But I do love its final results!! The hair just needs a proper blow without the need of any brushes! Flip it around and it becomes a current trend! $235 for my length! Hair treatments just gets more exciting and the prices too :(

* I decided to do this treatment to tame the wild and was not compensated for this post. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Kate Lauren 9 months

Some photos from my new camera, man its so much easier to retrieve then from my samsung s4 :( its so meh to try fighting with my S4. 

Anyway, we are on the bet... BB Kate will be taking her 1st steps soon, she has been free standing, has the ability to bend down and up in her standing mode. So its anytime now! We have been doing steps cardio with her daily with to me is survival in a house of too many staircases.

Sparkers has 5 tooth till date and as of today she is grinding her gums. So guess a few more will be appearing soon this week or so. Have I mentioned what a awesome eater she is? My gawd, I brought her out yesterday and her porridge wasn't ready.. so I gave her the samsui chicken from Soup restaurant, mixed it with rice and she ate it all! Life is a bliss when babies are all NOT fussy as Victoria *ahem. V is a PAIN when it comes to feeding and dressing... she has many times made the helpers go in a frenzy with her change of clothes. 

the child that eats

does many poo... 
free standing
doing her squats

5 teeth, this was taken last month (5th not visible)

Art Work - Fireworks lights!

We were given a school project for the month of June and it was themed - "Bottles".

Me and Trev were briefed on how we can make use of this project to teach Victoria. We can have an option of reading her books, show her different shapes and sizes, prepare a scrap book, whatever we decide to do, it will be her show and tell. As you all know, I'm not very much into DIY.... mainly because buying is the faster way *opps. 

I thought long and hard on how to let V had a "WOW" moment when is her time to show and tell. I mean don't we all live to have that wow moment. Or is it just me? Or maybe its just my parenting style, if I bother to do it, I better do it with a POW!!!

So here is what we did and it NOT expensive to do, but yes you guessed it, we did spend more that I should.


1. Plastic mineral bottle 
2. Permanent markers 
3. Child friendly scissors 
4. Wired bulbs
5. Batteries 

simple set up for the kiddo
Cut the bottle into 1/2 and get the kiddo to clean the insides
Use the marker to colour - doesn't matter if its inside or outside
I didn't like this marker coz the ink didn't flow very well.
Got tough after a while
we change it to a the regular boring permanent marker but the colour came out easier

We cut it and had it shaped like fireworks! The grandpa took over by helping us attach the bulb to the bottle screw top. He cut a hole and inserted the bulb. With that done, he attached it to the decorated bottles and this is the final product. He got it all attached to battery pack instead of a electrical plug. 

Baby Kate was in awe by the pretty lights

We are very proud of our 1st every artwork - fireworks lights!!! Oh just to share, the rest of her classmates (in fact a lot didn't submit) brought books and different sizes of bottles, but she did awesome!! Isn't it obvious Victoria rocked her show and tell? She said her friends kept on "wow" "wowing" her work! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rosela, Fake measles

Baby Kate had the fever, it started last tuesday and we left it alone as we assumed it was caused by teething. ASSUMED. The last round she had a fever, I got stressed by the In laws and brought her to the PD, Q-ed for 2 hours and came back with a bottle of paracetamol and a $56 damage. PD casually told me "no viral, nothing to worry about.. its THE teeth.

This time round, she felt warm, we gave her her paracetamol and waited for it to ride out. Wednesday was a constant fever of 39c, did the usual, rub the teething gel, gave barley water. That night was a toughie, she latched on to me and I hardly slept. Thursday was pretty much the same and started to get cranky by rejecting her foods. So I made a trip to the PD to get her some meds, she was given antibiotics and ear drops coz part of her ear canal was slightly inflamed and moist.

We gave her 2 days of antibiotics and her temperature started to drop. It all seemed fine. On Sunday, she started to have a slight rash and V had this before after a bout of high fever and we disregarded it. Being 2nd time parents, we were very cool about it and trusted our instinct well. Then the rashes blew up and the pressure was on AGAIN by the grands. I took her to the Doctors and had Trev checked out the insurance plans etc, just to make sure we are covered for hospitalisation.

PD did her checks and was happy about Kate's recovery and YES we were right, it was Rosela. BB Kate got her calamine lotion and antihistamine to help her sleep, stopped her paracetamol +antibiotics. Somehow, I think I should be the one needing the medicine for 1 week of interrupted sleep. * gua gua gua. I spent 2 night helping BB Kate scratch her head!! coz it was bothering her and she refused sleep. 

I blew up the photos to let you see the severity of BB Kate's fake measles, she was a mess. Miserable looking with sparkling eyes and I gave her a new nick name- SPARKLES.

Here is her today in her market clothes.. I have to show you this coz its my 1st market holey clothes!! I have been wanting to buy but never seen them around!!! She looks so kampong with the clothes and the calamine lotion on her body right.. old SKOOL!!

About Fake Measles/ Rosela

Roseola infanturn affects mainly infants from 6 months of age and children less than 3 years. The clinical profile mimics measles very closely, i.e. a prodrome of fever, blocked nose and cough for 45 days and then a maculopapular rash appears. However, there are features which clearly distinguish it from measles, i.e. in roseola:

(a) the signs and symptoms during the prodrome are less severe,
(b) there are no Koplik spots,
(c) when the rash appears, the fever begins to settle and the patient is much better,
(d) the rash appears on the trunk first and then spreads to face and extremities.

Very rarely aseptic meningitis or encephalitis can occur. The Singaporean layman considers it as measles and it is important to inform the parents that it is not measles, otherwise they will refuse measles immunisation as the child "already had measles". They should be told that it is 'false measles' and is due to a totally different virus. This virus belongs to the herpes group of viruses and is chiefly due to human herpes virus-6' (HHV-6) although recently, a newly discovered herpes group of viruses, HHV-7, can also cause roseola. 

“Roseola is a common viral infection in children. It is also known as erythema subitum. Roseola is not a major health problem. It goes away on its own without treatment.
Roseola is caused by a viral infection. It is spread by droplets in the air when someone who is infected sneezes or coughs. It most often affects children ages 6 months to 2 years.
Symptoms progress in stages. The stages are:
Stage one: 3-4 days of high fever (102-104°F). Your child is likely to feel cranky and uncomfortable during the fever.
Stage two: A rash that appears on the torso after the fever goes away. The rash is red and can be raised or flat, and may sometimes spread to the face or limbs. The rash is not painful. It tends to wax and wane (get better and worse) over the course of 3-4 days. Your child may feel cranky or itchy during the rash stage of roseola.

Her bum is always dry! Drypers Wee Wee Dry Diapers

I am quite a bother when it comes to diapers. With V, I tried almost every brand of diapers in the market. The 1st 3 months of infant hood is/was the time when I spend way too much money for the indicator diapers to minimise guessing the babies cries.  But currently, we are on many brands to find one that suits us well. Looking for one that is both economically and pricing friendly.

With V, we tried 1 packet of the old formula about 4 years ago and she had the nappy rash. Many years later, she was on Drypers the pull up pantz while potty training.  I was really excited about reviewing this range, mainly because of it competitive pricing. Lets get real here, diapers are really expensive! I was really excited about Drypers re-launch!

The new diapers design are really fun! There are definitely new changes that is worth mentioning. I love the cool product upgrades, particularly the Drypers Flexi-Tape which has incorporated a nifty Velcro- fastening feature! All Drypers Wee Wee Dry diapers now has 4 botanical extracts- Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Olive Extracts and Vitamin E to help moisture baby's skin.

Drypers offers parents a range of diapers that are practical and appropriate for every phase of your baby's growth. With maximum comfort and excellent protection against leakage, the Drypers Wee Wee Dry is everything your baby needs. It features breathable cloth-like cover and made fragrance free to avoid any irritation to your baby's skin while keeping your baby's skin clean and fresh everyday.

I must say that Baby Kate has not has any mishap with any leakage and we are almost done with 1 packet of diapers! I have started her on night diapering with this and man it lasts from 9pm to 9am. Rawks!!! 

*We have completed the 4 complimentary packets that was given and we continued with Drypers since it works well for us in terms of budget and comfort for BB Kate. 

Hey, have you tried their  new range yet? If not, hop on by Drypers Facebook and click on the REQUEST SAMPLES icon and get yours now!!!

Disclaimer: This is a product review/product sponsored from Drypers Singapore. All opinions are my own.

Monday, July 1, 2013


Wow... I'm so happy its July! As you can tell from my previous rant post, June was quite a bore. I was at home most of the time without my chauffeuring duties and suddenly my days was a bore. V was occupied for 2 weeks as my goddaughter accompanied her for stay overs at hers and ours. Yea, so V didn't need me much. BB Kate is always occupied and so, yes I was bored. The thing was that I kept June free as it was the holidays and thought we will be crazily running abouts, BUT the haze came. No  swimming, no practising our runs with BB Kate for our Shape 2013 run with the Capella stroller (which got postponed btw to oct). Then the by the 3rd week of June, I got lazy..  I fulfilled all my appointments and errands, I woke up for the sake of waking up and lazed around. Then the body started to get irritated by wanting to fight, you know that feeling? Its called angst. I had that, call it hormonal or boredom ... Trev had it too and we were irritating each other a lot.. but yea we survived.

Well, the last week, I have been cooking cooking cooking.. which was fun coz I missed it. Yes, I am very domesticated - If I want to. I started cooking for myself by primary 1, yes, parents were working hard for their money and I was left to fend for myself. I shower, dress, take the bus to and from school. When I look back, I think its amazing and it could have moulded me to be who I am today. I can sew since young - not like a hobby or for fun. I sewed my own dresses with my mum's classic singer sewing machine. Do housework from young, wash and iron - both I do NOT LIKE to do now. hahahhah. Many times, I see every one getting excited over cooking, sewing, this that.. I am like bleah...  I make a awesome home maker, just that I chose not to for the gratification moments are far from a few. Besides that Trev doesn't like me domesticated.. Yes my husband do not believe that I should be a SAHM since Day 1. He has seen how it has made his parents and refused/allow it to be happen to him. Well I must say his sacrifices are alot too, I thank god he is a hands on father and he handles both children well - with or without help.

I don't know what I wanted this post to me hmmm... I just wanted to blog. so it went off topic I think.

We tried V for music trial remember? Fail... although she was keen, she was not willing to commit to it for 3-4 years .. I mean I didn't tell her its so far fetched but weekly sunday classes sounded like a chore to her and she insisted on doing it only when she is 5 yo. But I think the teacher was a bore. *opps Anyway music is a long commitment and so she makes her choice. Although the grandfather was slightly disappointed but he was glad we talk through with her like a young lady. V is still only with Happy Train for the last 1 year and will complete the whole series by end of this year -just because she likes it. We have been trying to stop for 3 terms now, epic fail. So for now, its still going to be just that. Seemed like really relaxed parents huh... but seriously, there are days me and Trev are like , you know we should do this this this and this. Then we always remind ourselves that she is a child, a 4 yo child. In order not to deter us form our thoughts, we hardly talk to our friends about what V is doing, for you know, they give unnecessary pressure. There is the Chinese, phonics, abacus, swimming, music, arts, speech and drama, dance.. omg the pressure. So yes, just putting our foot down and not join the bandwagon.

Baby Kate just turned 9 months.. like omg right??? yea me too... She has started to do her 5 seconds standing with no support, which makes it all so exciting that she is going to walk soon! We are betting that she may even start walking before V! She is pretty fearless with her climbing even tore off my room's lampshade :( . Bb Kate has been teething, is literally chomping on my boobies and it bothering me much.  She is out 2 top and 2 bottoms, last 2 weeks it started again and we can feel the canines doing its appearances soon. Its starting to sprout maybe by next month, but we all know its the descending part that bothers babies most and not the sprouting. Sprouting takes 1 week.... descending takes months! hahaha I am quite ready to prepare to wean her off my boobies since it takes a few months to execute it. With V, I didn't know how and when to stop for she was fully latched on and refused bottles. But for BB Kate, she seems ready to wean off anytime for she drinks water great and eats too well! I did set a time frame of 1 yo for BB Kate for allergies or rather when she completes her teething process especially the canines. Baby Kate is different from V, she doesn't rely on comfort sucking much, she didn't go on any bottle strike or bottle strike. She doesn't need my boob to sleep and is happy with daddy's chest or arm.

In fact, Trev is saying she doesn't need my boob. But he is wise to tell me that its my bond between Kate and he will never interfere in how long I want to take to wean her. I love him like that.. for he knows its me and not my child who yearns it more. But in recent weeks, BB Kate is tearing my boobies too much and pulling it away when she turns in her sleep! Yes waking me up in pain most of the time!! hahhaha. I have been monitoring her sleeps and I think she is capable of not nursing through the night. Yes reality is setting in that she is growing up.