Monday, July 22, 2013

Kate Lauren 9 months

Some photos from my new camera, man its so much easier to retrieve then from my samsung s4 :( its so meh to try fighting with my S4. 

Anyway, we are on the bet... BB Kate will be taking her 1st steps soon, she has been free standing, has the ability to bend down and up in her standing mode. So its anytime now! We have been doing steps cardio with her daily with to me is survival in a house of too many staircases.

Sparkers has 5 tooth till date and as of today she is grinding her gums. So guess a few more will be appearing soon this week or so. Have I mentioned what a awesome eater she is? My gawd, I brought her out yesterday and her porridge wasn't ready.. so I gave her the samsui chicken from Soup restaurant, mixed it with rice and she ate it all! Life is a bliss when babies are all NOT fussy as Victoria *ahem. V is a PAIN when it comes to feeding and dressing... she has many times made the helpers go in a frenzy with her change of clothes. 

the child that eats

does many poo... 
free standing
doing her squats

5 teeth, this was taken last month (5th not visible)

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