Thursday, May 29, 2014

Teething - 2nd molars

I woke up to Kate's screams this morning,  mornings are not my thing but the hb is not around to take over so today is a morning of single parenting. That's the thing when the hb is not in town, some how the children will be up to "mischief" I gave her many hugs and carried her to sleep while she continued crying.  It's one of those days, I wonder if she is dreaming or if she is in pain. K is one of those babies that sleeps through since infant *ptl, I guess God decided that since #1 was a nightmare and pitied us hehhe.
When we woke up naturally, K though not chirpy still gave me a big smile until I moved her and bam she started screaming nonstop. My helper came to take them for their morning milk while I freshened up. On days like this, I am totally grateful to be staying in an extended family like seriously. If it was back to my help.alone days, I won't be able to do that dump.  I will have to make that crazy choice to let the baby scream the house down or poo in my pants or better still, all mummies know the "carry the baby while you get things done" days.cartoon toilet 2
But this morning, I could hear everyone at home coaxing her to stop crying and it was peace to me, I mean my anxiety was coaxed too, knowing my screaming child had that attention she needed.  Kate was just bursts of screaming/crying and we really panicked coz she seem to be in pain.  We spent 1 good 1/2 hour trying to decipher where the pain is at. Kate just went on pointing to her head, throat, pointed to her blisters, her ears, her stomach, her dead skin on her fingers, then her toe nails. Basically everywhere la! Poor child was confused and causing us the confusion too. I decided it needed a visit to the doctors coz it could be her throat having an infection coz the grannies was insisting on it coz she was putting the rubber duckies in her mouth and we all know how fility those are.  Kate kept pointing to her face/ears/throat too.  I succumbed to ice in the morning and she was merry. It's a sure work with my kids coz ice is a luxury  especially at 9am in the morning!  She stopped crying and  was happy, it got us thinking it could be her teeth!!
My gawd, sometimes you forget about that teething thing you know.  The nightmare that causes parents insomnia! We checked and true enough it seems slighly swollen but not read. I counted her months and she turned 20 months 2 days ago. It's like how can I forget right? With V, the teething chart was in my handphone man, I waited for it to happen wahahha!
2nd molars are the most difficult and dramatic period any parent child can go through. Gulps to my impending war with #swollengums #suddenscreams #minitempers #foodfights #babywhogoesondiet #theydonteatatall #milkdiet #idontgettosleep #babyonchest #weirdsleepingpositions #stiffneck #
You can read about her teething process here. It just dawned onto me why she has been biting us the last 2 weeks.

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