Thursday, December 11, 2008

Water Isssues

2 kg of fats or water??

I was shocked that the weighing machine showed that I put on 2 kg in 2 weeks.. but Dr Han said it was ALL just water. "It will be flushed away once BB [V] is out" he said that statement with a twinkle in his eyes.. Phew!!!

It was good news to me as I reckon it was easier to clear water than to clear fats, right!! I was happy like a bird!!!

Everything preggers do is a vicious cycle,
I refrained from drinking water as I wanted to control my toilet breaks...
I wanted to control my toilet breaks as I was not sleeping well...
I was not sleeping well as I was having the itch, remember??

Then I gained 2 kg... freakish... and all because of an itch..

Anyway I Yahoo-ed and read up about water retention, about 50% of preggers have it, Water retention during pregnancy is beneficial and a sign of a healthier fetus. (whoo.. BB [V] is about 2.4kg)

The trick is to drink more, to flush of the excess. So my goal to clear this 2 kg of water by the next appointment, which is on Boxing day..

By then I forsee another problem, Xmas weight!!hahahaaaaa

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