Friday, March 6, 2009

My Lappie

I need to shop....

Ever since I got pregnant, I became hooked on my lappie.. but the problem now is that my lappie died on me again.. haiz.. I have issues and that is I am very capable of spoiling laptops. I am using DD T's lappie now and am VERY wary on my usage, just in case I do something silly..

Okie, the thing is that everytime it kpo.. I run to DD T.. He being the IT expert, will try to repair it and of course nag at me at the same time.. its always "dun open so many applications, run 1 program at 1 time, don't be impatient and just wait, don't keep clicking, stop downloading! this website is corrupted! did u clear your cookies? y u open so many windows?"
the list goes on..

For the 8 years, I have changed many lappies and he has sent my lappies for COUNTLESS repairs.. but just that now he doesn't nag, he just stares at me ..haiz

The problem with the last lappie is my keyboard died and I (opps him!) have sent it in 3 times

Should I repair or should I buy?

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