crap! this blog looks funny on my macbook...doing my 7th post but cant upload photos..
so I will continue about breast feeding issues...
YOU know sometimes I think why am I am getting into this shits... I could be
1) drinking my wines,
2) clubbing,
3) going on diets to look chio,
4) dress nice to look chio,
5) go out and park baby somewhere for the whole day...
but instead: till date
1) I had 1 glass of wine after her 8 pm feed about 3 times, (since i started from 6 mths; her 11pm feed is formula milk)
2) went clubbing once
3) need to diet that stubborn 3 kg away
4) dress nice nice but am stuck with 2 piece clothes and nursing bra for convenience
5) can park her at mum or ils; feed her then rush out, jalan for 3-4 hours
Funny despite how forward we think we are, we have to deal with the "why are you breast feeding still" questions. If I'm not in the SMH forum, I honestly feel alienated. Why oh why??
CRIES: baby hungry, u never feed her enough...FM will not have this problem
CRIES: baby hungry, ur bm not power
LIGHT WEIGHT: u bf thats y
NOT SLEEPING THROUGH: u should train her to sleep through, 7 mths oredi... aiya y u bf, y u co-sleep? so troublesome.. how to train like tat...
ACTIVE: wat u eat? ur bm lar... too much sugar
NOT SLEEPING: wat u eat? ur bm lar... too much caffeine
WANTS TO BE CARRIED: ur smell lar.. she wans ur nips
WANTS TO SUCKLE: aiyo now u become human pacifier
Hey, I mean all these comments didn't only come from the elders but people of our generation okie!!! Now I write now I angry. You see how much I have suffered for the last 7 months. Both emotionally and physically...*punches finger in the air"
Honest, my inspiration for this post wasn't so negative, but since I wrote I will leave it.. keke
Now for the reasons why I wrote this.... for my new mummies friends struggling... alot more inspirational...
Newborn: bad sucklers.. cant decide what they want to do?? sleep or drink milk? cry, sleep, cry, drink, cry, sleep, sleep sleep... Latch baby they fall asleep, put down they eh eh eh?
If you are a mummy with overwhelming supply, pump... if you are one will measly one, pump.. if not latch n latch n latch... stuff the nip there and wait... wait till the baby feel like waking up to drink..
1-3 months: wild period!!! I hated this time... cry, sleep, cry ,drink, cry, cry ,cry...exasperating!!!!! still bad sucklers but this time they don't sleep... wants more milk but cant get it... so this is the time we help them. I know there are a lot of webbie that explains BF but then ... cannot comprehend some!! Honestly, i think these writers wrote the info AFTER they stop BF-ing.. cause the freaking timeline don't match!
Feed full breast 1st: what lar full breast? feel the same right? I felt a full breast about 3rd month or so... never understood what is that... what I did was, feed both breasts.. I always make sure I start on the same breast each time Left then Right..
Empty breast: piang, if can't feel full how to feel empty?? took me damn long to understand this... basicallly what you do is twirl the nip and if there is milk then got some more inside lor... but some babies are damn impatient like BB [V] , so I will squeeze breast (like squeeze toothpaste lar) while she drinks so the milk flow is faster... then after I will change breasts...
Meal on demand: really as what it means = no life... I latch her when ever I'm free...pls don't count 2 hrs or 3 hrs.. pointless
Fore milk, hind milk: fore milk; watery, hind milk; thicker.. the density of the milk is the thickest in the morning aka lasts the longest... mainly because you are well rested or mayb had your miserable 2 hrs sleep... *trust me I remembered* so must make sure bb drinks the hind milk... can last longer
Masssage/hot drink : makes alot of differnce if you do that.. milk comes down alot faster.. but damn tiring... I didn't like the idea of bullying my boobies... I mean they are like so virgin then gotta abuse it but no choice... but hot drink works!
Fever(me): I remembered there was 1 night that I had fever, damn uncomfortable manz.... was in the middle of the night and I was so lost, had to look after baby and was sick... googled the problem and realized it could be due to the breast lump that couldn't go away... popped panadol and got paranoid... but after a few hours it was okie... then got DD T to massage my lump... the fever never came back, though the lumps at different place always did for the 1st 3 months
Eat/drink: Must eat, eat ,eat... no eat no milk... drink ,drink, drink.. no drink no milk... fat never mind.. for the 1st few months that is...
Aiyo I can't remember what I wanna write.... see how maybe got part 3... this blog layout is killing me.... think something is wrong with the javascript...