Monday, September 14, 2009

Separation anxiety


1st she started screaming about everything... now she refused to let me go out of her sight.. not even 1 m away... I have to sit down next to her when she has her bath, sit with her while playing, watch TV, everything manz!!!

Reminds me of when she was newborn.. argggghhh

Can't poo in peace when she is there sitting in front of me, screaming... Yes, she refused being in her playpen alone... I have to carry her everywhere I go, out comes the balboa sling I used when she was a little babs and she absolutely love it... besides the fact she is stuck to me, she can see what I'm doing... So I will take the magic cleaner and sweep the floor to entertain her, let her feel the rice I'm washing,... all except drying clothes, cooking by the stove.. no no!

I can't be within her sight without her wanting me to carry her... I hope is just a 7 mths thingy and will pass. Every month has something new, this being very taxing. Actually ALL is taxing.. flipping, sitting, teething, crawling... wonder what entails next month *shivers*

Daddy Trev hates it when it is time for him to take over as it is 100% attention, as she demands that attention... no longer can she sit there to play with her toys, she wants you to play with her too.. he will sneak away sometimes and do his things but is ALWAYS treated by her screams and tear-full cries. Just today he commented that if our second one is like that he will go mad, but I think it will definitely be the same for he has the naughty genes... (he was a damn bloody naughty boy; setting off the school fire alarm on his 1st day of school, few boys walked out of school thinking it was time to go home.. his parents had a ear-ful from the other parents.)

So can you sense what I will have to go through in years to come????? As of now, I have a 7th month old with a hellavu tantrum... its going to be a rough road ahead...

Did I mention they have the same cheekiness.. don't you see that same twinkle in her eye?!

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