Saturday, March 6, 2010


I like photography but don't know how to go about doing it properly.

Reading the manual ain't going to make me all an expert you know. By the way, the manual sucks coz its so technical, Then when you ask other peeps, they shot you with the jargons that are way out of this world. I freaking don't know aperture, shutter speed, F stop, exposure or whatever. I only know how to point and shoot, arrange it a little aka to have a better composition.

But there is so much you can discover for yourself and fiddling fiddling it without any knowledge ain't going to make me any smarter. I'm no "I learn everything by myself one and I'm waiting for you to say I'm a genius" (rolls eyes 360 degrees). Plus my iphoto can only help me this much to edit my photos and though I really need to learn how to Photoshop (but thats another story altogether)

So I chanced upon Black Box Photography's webbie, Ken by the way is the photographer (recommended by friend) that we engaged for Victoria's birthday party. We liked the way the photos came out and all agreed that ken is an awesome photographer. So what better person to learn from and I didn't even do my homework by researching or so. The price was right, the person was right, I need to learn an so...

Totally loved the classes coz it cleared up alot of the clouds and then those questions that I never knew how to ask (deeming stupid ones) finally had an answer. Though there are still clouds but its the light fluffy ones, those that makes the blue sky pretty type.

So I have started a blog to write down my thoughts and post my photos for all to learn, admire. Coz its not fun to learn photography without interaction and comments that makes one better. My mind can only work this dimension while everyone can give me many dimension that I can't see.

So this is my blog..


Kenny Leow said...

mdm, most of the photos in the wordpress cannot see leh...

Unknown said...

yesterday nite i had the same prob.. will see if its the server