Tuesday, March 30, 2010


dun koe why...

ever time I write about something about her, she starts her pattern...

Yesterday she woke up crying at 4am.. damn "cham", everything we did was wrong... so both of us watched MTV with her until she forgot why she got so angry. I think in that 2.5 hrs I applied Bonjela like 4 times... (found this more effective than Dentinox)

so this pre molars teething thingy is not fun... her upper gums are real sore and I can feel the sharp sides cutting within this 2 weeks... today: she stopped eating her meats and drinking her milk... so I gave her loads of cold fruits (quarts) to bite to soothe the gums...

DD T put her to sleep today and came out "its going to be war tonight" so we are armed with the bullets to fight the war with her...

DD T may wake up late tomorrow again...

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