Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gazillion Bubble Show

She kept on chanting "Bubbles bubbles bubbles" when the ad for the bubbles show airs on TV. So I decided that we should go and watch it since it was father's day and we have nothing planned for that day.

But by the time I decided it was 3 days before the concert and the $79, $59 tickets were all sold out. I made a gamble by buying the $39 tickets hoping that arena tickets may be as comfortable as the indoor stadium ones. But alas, it was kinda crappy! The "stadium" in Downtown East were terrible, aircon was not consistent, the seats were crampy and of course the seating arrangement was not in favour like in a proper stadium. Though tickets are way cheaper than the indoor stadium ones but atmosphere is still not there. Vizpro holds their shows there I think... maybe the $79 ones are a lot more comfortable, I don't know.. maybe...

So we had a empty seats in front of us and by 20 mins into the show, the guys seated 2 seats away left to go somewhere so we were quite sure that seats next to DD T were empty too -Kinda of lucky as it was clock-a-block sold out concert. V didn't quite enjoy the 1st half of the show as it was very detailed bubble making and I think she can't see. Tried bribing her with snacks to entertain but kinda failed and so we went a walk around. Then came a 15 mins break which was good for her as we went out for a breather and allow her to burn off some energy.

The 2nd half was WAYYYY better, with massive bubble making and bubble storms. She enjoyed herself heaps this time round, me n DD T too. This part was way more worth than watching the whole show....

They had bubbles machine all over the stadium and it was a massive bubbles storm! So you can imagine all the kiddos were going crazy!! The parents too la... it reminded I believe everyone of childhood days, you know what bubbles can do to people. It actually makes people happy :) Fan Yang was a genius man! He made bubbles so big, its like magic.... He has always wanted to chase the rainbow since he was young but was not able to until there was one day he saw a bubble and it had the colors of the rainbow on it. It was from that day onwards, he knew he wanted to create the best and biggest bubble ever.

Fan Yang, the bubble scientist roped in his son to do the "2nd generation" of bubble wonder. He incorporated lasers into the show, okie la... just laser lor.. lol

so will we go the next round? I think shows like these take 2-3 years to do their rounds and so V will be 3-4 years old, yes I will bring her and it has to be in front, I can't deal with bad seats. I see the kiddos chasing the bubbles and the enthusiasm was way too endearing.

Just to share: V has her concerts all lined up this year. I'm contemplating either Sesame Street or Barney in September and Baby SSO in November. Think my this new hobby is getting expensive.

Monday, June 28, 2010

The tactile child

so you guys know how hard I have trying to figure what type of child V is and how my parenting style can help to elevate problems in her upbringing. For now I find that this article can help decode her until she starts school or what enrichment classes I should enrol her in so as to maximize her potential and not shove her into something totally irrelevant. There are more information on the net once you know what personality your child is.

V is definitely a Tactile Child (for now) though I am sure that the children's personality blossoms over time.

I stumble on this article which I think all of you will be interested in....

Behavior researcher Priscilla Dunstan, creator of the Dunstan Baby Language System and of Oprah fame, has it all laid out in her new book, Child Sense (Bantam). "All kids have a dominant sense that determines how they experience and relate to the world," she says. Here's a guide to understanding your little alien:

The Tactile Child

Tactile kids express themselves physically. If happy, they skip; if sad, they need a cuddle; if angry or excited, they push or shove. They learn by doing.

What it means for babies:
These little ones love to be held all the time, but they're also soothed by movement. If your arms need a break, put him in a swing or carrier.

What it means for toddlers:
These are the guys you see throwing themselves on the ground and thrashing about. Try tickling him or doing something else that is physical yet playful to "wake him up" from the tantrum. If that doesn't work, walk away. Tactile kids don't like to be alone, and the act of running after you may help him switch gears.

What it means for preschoolers:
He'll respond best to lessons that involve tangible items. Use blocks to teach counting, and find objects that all start with the same letter -- ball, butter, belt; cat, cup, carrot -- to help him learn the alphabet.

The Auditory Child

Auditory kids notice the tone of people's voices and noise levels. They vocalize all of their feelings: laughing uproariously, crying loudly, shouting angrily. They are logical and mathematical, always looking for order and patterns.

What it means for babies:
This child startles easily and will listen intently to music, but don't play it at bedtime -- it will distract her so much she won't be able to go to sleep.

What it means for toddlers:
High-pitched squeals often punctuate this child's tantrums. Try a quick, focused conversation or her favorite music to alleviate a meltdown. Or take her to a quiet spot to calm down.

What it means for preschoolers:
These kids learn best when being read to, matching the sound of a letter with the letter itself, and, of course, by singing the ABC's.

The Visual Child

Visual kids learn by watching and imitating you. They enjoy organizing their toys by shape, color, or size, and tend to learn to read easily. Too much visual input from TVs, crowds, and clutter can be distracting.

What it means for babies:
Visual infants often get labeled "good babies" because it's easy to meet their needs. All that these babies need to feel secure and comforted is to be able to see their parent or caregiver nearby.

What it means for toddlers:
Tantrums for these kids are very dramatic, with vivid expressions and copious tears. Offer a visual distraction, such as a brightly colored toy. Or just look away -- he hates being deprived of an audience.

What it means for preschoolers:
These tots get bored if they can't see what they're learning; think picture books, flash cards, and drawing on a chalkboard.

The Taste-and-Smell Child

These children are intuitive and more attuned to the emotional world. They're also highly sensitive and averse to loud noises, bright lights, and strong smells and tastes.

What it means for babies:
These little ones like to be cuddled, but they're not calmed simply by being held. If you're nervous or fearful, they're likely to be agitated, too.

What it means for toddlers:
Taste-and-smell toddlers require lots of reassurance. Let her know that even if you're disappointed in her behavior, you won't stop loving her.

What it means for preschoolers:
The relationships this child has with her teachers can make or break school. Help her along by showing how much you like the teacher.

I am sure alot of you have studied consumer behavioral or any physiological books would have highlighted the 4 different types of human behaviour. If you have older kids and want to know their learning styles..There are 4 types : Tactile/kinetic learners, Spatial/Visual, Auditory, Logical Learners.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


okie I took longer than I should..

1st my MBP didn't support that PPS webbie... so I used *yawnz* wa kao so slow, I was so pissed with it but no choice coz I die die wanted to watch.

So the next day, I drove to my sister's house and she let me watch on her lappie while my nieces babysit BB[V] for nieces were fantastic I tell you, finally useful lol.

I just lazed there and cheong the show (5 episodes) until evening time when I had to be a chauffeur and bring/fetch my mil to watch her humperdinkadoo concert.Then I had craving to watch so I told my fil to lend me his lappie .. keke ... I stayed downstairs coz DD T's old room cant receive internet and watch ... Not fun as the roaches were having a party in the house (the rain and all brought them out), so from the corner of my eyes while lying there, they were zooming here and there.

Came back home and digged out my old lappie... and continued. Bliss I tell you... n best of all BB[V] knows mummy is busy swooning and decides to sleep at 7pm today. Hahaha.. which is why I managed to finish my series.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


just drop in to say I'm going to be watching shows next few days..

My sis came to my place today and told me this show 谈情说案 damn bloody happening.. so I'm watching now... I just streamed the show and aiyo got "Ling Feng" la, so I decided to come in and blog about me MIA-ing for the next few days while I just drool.

I soooooo miss watching TVB shows, the last was when I was pregnant and rotting in bed coz I was so lazy to go out.

I have bloody lots of things to blog about but give me 3 days k.. hugz all *slurpz*

Saturday, June 19, 2010

1st fall

I have started to let her have opportunity to make choices...

Today I took her shoes and wetsuit, asked her "Would you want to go for a walk or a swim?" She pondered a while, stared at the two things and said "walk walk"

After the walk around the Ng's "park", we reached home and played bubbles coz I just bought a new bubble gun. So she busied chasing after the bubbles, then she fell and scraped her knee, got blood type.. *boo hoo As I didn't want to dampen her high, I changed her into long pants and continued. Alamak, after she got "higher" and ran so fast ... the inevitably happen lar, her hand got a gash trying to break her next fall.

No cries from her, just a curious look while she stared at her palm. I stopped the play and brought her for a bathe with soap bubbles. After the bath I applied some cali bb cream to the wound, and I believe it stung her a little since it was as a open wound. I blew her hand, gave her a kiss but decided at the end to put a plaster just in case she goes touching and gets infected.

Great child, no whines... :) We were all very proud of her. Of course there was the drama when the grands (including my mil's twin sis) came back from church and when DD T woke up from his nap (he just touched down from flight) Oh the kisses, the hugs, the little one showing off her plaster "trying to explain what happen" and the grands giving their version of what happen. Me and God ma and Aunty Nita busied ourselves with preparation of tomorrow's Fathers Day, didn't bother to explain. We are doing Italian, Mexican feast....

I think she is a leftie, for both of the falls are on her left side. Which means he uses her left side the block falls.. hmmm don't know if its gotta do with the logic right side of the brains sending signals.. or that she is using her dominant side to protect her.. we shall see...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

16 months (ME)

So its has 2 years since I am myself (2 years ago I got pregnant 9 months, 15 months of breastfeeding)....

It was the best and worst journey of my life! the ups and downs were like roller coaster, from happiness of getting pregnant, worrying about everything that came along, tears of joy when V was born, frustration of the confinement, excitement when she started to crawl, walk, irritation of the screaming ways of a manipulative baby, and the day she called me mummy - everything was forgiven...

I made a decision to stop breastfeeding because I need to find myself again, the identity that I once had slowly diminished and what I saw everyday was a frumpy, drumpy, humpty dumpty LOL. It was obvious the 2 years devoted to solely to her although was a feat, motherhood does drains a women off real quick and fast. By the way if you still see yourself "I never change much" then balls to you... even if you have like gazillion helpers, how can one not age?

So this month I got back my boobies, lost 2 kg (2 more to go, okie the thing is this was my pre preggers weight BUT this was my after 11 days of new york toronto weight! its 2 kg more to my normal weight! 5 more to my wedding day weight-something I don't see EVER), coloured my hair - needed to spruce the look up abit, did shopping for clothes that can see my curves type (not 2 piece clothes so bf mummy), bought HEELS! (think my feet grew 0.5 in size and so my heels are relatively tighter leh), conscientiously did my masks and use my Mary Kay. (need to start on the eyes soon)

So I gain back the confidence as in the looks factor, better sex life... Its interesting what humans crave for in life just to get that boost of confidence. Like some will crave for promotion, earn more money, go out to gallivant, start a business, change partner (I'm sure there are ppl like this), go find a different job, volunteer, go back to study again, get pregnant....

I'm still thinking of what to do... I always wondered how some people can survive staying at home for such long period of time and find their worth. But as I'm in this position, now I know why "Tai Tais" go do volunteer work coz most of the time money is not a drawing factor and seeing other people happy is a greater accomplishment. I fall in this category, DD T hates this about me... I don't get entice by money but yet want money lol... As a businessman like him, he always wonder why he married a woman with brains of charity. Keke.. I never find making money NO 1, I always go for feel factor (there is a term of people like me, I studied before.. but cannot remember lar) I make friends very easily and if they get too pessimistic, I draw myself away. DD T always tell me to go study psychology as I'm always the person when my friends need a listening ear. I sit there and watch them cry... then I cry, coz so poor thing. (he says to be a psychiatrist, at least I get paid by the hour and is always good to be paid to cry, at least there is a reason to cry.. so business man RIGHT? ) So thats why I don't make friends who are pessimistic coz they influence me much.

So.... If I go volunteer, I sure get scolding... next best thing was to get myself involve in Mary Kay.. coz of the difference I see in my skin... People always say "wa lau Flo, skin already so gd, wat u want?" Eh hello, the issue here is my skin got not much scars I agree, but got see dull skin or not? dull as in no shine, no glow. Dead like a fish! Kena ask "never sleep huh" In my heart WTF motherhood got sleep one meh? What I mean by glow is when you walk down the streets in the day, there are times you will take a 2nd look at a person right? I'm talking about FACE here.. and the face got radiance, something like a shine (not oil huh) esp the 3 points of the face cheek areas n just above the forehead. (pls not chinese ghost story too) the skin is taut not droopy, not sullen... even without makeup, must have! means skin is in good condition. Okie my explanation not very goods... aiya u know the skin you have during pregnancy? the shine everywhere? ya like that la...

Me got back my shine.. so now must maintain... I started off with the anti aging set, then the gurus came and told me for dull skin must mask... intensive treatment mah. So I damn on, Firming mask then hydro mask in 2 days and repeat. Slowly my glow came back *SMILES* so happy now. Next month will be do apply serum to rejuvenate and make skin mei mei... even Dd T got hooked, I will apply when he play his Xbox... he damn onz too, will remind me to do it... Guess as you age, you can't be lazy anymore. Honest, please don't sit there and say I fat, ugly, like aunty! then say everyday... who help u?

I go attend classes when the gurus come, just to pass time and have women adult interaction! Learn new things each time, please ha I'm not going to open beauty salon or what not.. just enriching my brain a little. I love her philosophy in life, like how she enrich women, to educate them about beauty and confidence. Dropped by many times in their office for classes taught by people of higher ranks and listen to their motivation talks makes me think how successful this entrepreneur is. To be like her one day? not sure la.. I'm too kind to be a business person... Though many see a potential in me to do my own business but maybe now is not the time. For now I just share my knowledge...

Now I get excited when I see friends doing business while being a SAHM... I like to patronize them... its always fun. Was chatting with Jon's mummy that day and she was telling me that she wants to work in Macdonald's, I was me too!! Though her hb disprove as her salary can't pay off her car... keke You see, mummies like us crave for social interaction and money is hardly an issue.

DD T always tell me this while I'm looking for my directions " be a master of something. not a jack of all rubbish"

End note: I have people asking what is this product all about. Please read this this webbie

I currently use Timewise Miracle set, Botanical Formula Mask 2, Intense Moisturizing Cream + Oil Free Hydrating Gel as a mask, Lip mask and Lip balm.

For those interesting in earning as passive income, can email me at

Saturday, June 12, 2010

16 months

she is 10 kg

Food: We are still on Nan HA 2 .. so lame right still don't want to upgrade her to stage 3, despite the fact that stage 2 is meant for babies from 6 to 10 months. Think that stage 2 has more nutrients and so am sticking on to it, most people I have asked said it was alright though its more expensive. But what the heck... V has started to hold her own bottle and drinks 7 scoops/210ml = 240 ml each time. (Still am a little clueless how this formula milk calculation works.)

We have been practising on her self-feeding, realized that children's utensil sucks big time (not deep enough) and so we give her metal spoon and fork. She has to eat at least 1/2 of her food before she gets to self feed as if I do give her in the beginning... nothing goes in to the stomach. You get what I mean... She eats the same things as us and have stopped cooking specially for her, though will tune our dishes so that its palatable for all. V hates the usual singaporean way of soup n rice together... her rice has to be dry and dishes separated. If there is soup, it has to be just soup. Sometimes when we eat out, there are like 3-4 bowls in front of her.. no plates for it slips away. She loves dipping like all children, so some bread and a bowl of mushroom or pumpkin soup works wonder while we enjoy our dinner.

Only in recent weeks, I had notice that V eats real well in a quiet restaurant... We eat out very often except the days we run back to the grands to eat with them. All these while it has been quite a rush at times to feed her while we eat and she does get real messy while self feeding. So sometimes DD T always ask me why he always get hungry after a $80 meal? LOL we do miss hawker foods, can't bring her and food court foods sucks big time. But in recent times we have been going for nice ambience quiet restaurant and she eats real well! Though more ex, but we get to enjoy our food. she can sit there for 1.5 hours while we chill and chat. I'm planning to go Garibaldi for lunch one day and see how she behaves. (When I muster my guts to do so... )

Sleep: As we all know their routines changes every time and can't keep to the same one. So this 2 months, its 8/9am- 8/9pm.. though the phase 2 buggered up lots! She used to sleep through 12 hours but during the 2 weeks phase, she has been waking 5/6am asking for milk. I am waiting for it to pass, but not an issue as she drinks and falls back to sleep. Day time has been quite rough as she sleeps 1- 1.5 hr only. If she happens to eat anything sweet, siao! no sleep totally 12 hours straight.. So no sugars for this child, totally banned.

Toys: I did mention about her love for stuffies. She will now sit all of them on her mat and feed them her food. Have not bought a single toy for her since the longest time as I think there is no point to get them. Though DD T finds it hard to not buy her her stuffies.

She hardly plays with her toys like sit down and play... most of the time she will go ransack things around the house. I do allow her as I'm a believer of "learn through play" philosophy. Her favourite area is the kitchen and will help me pull out clothes from the washing machine when I'm to hang them out. When she was crawling, I cleared out the fourth drawer to play with as I read that is good to let them have their own drawers. Now she attacked the 3rd drawers, clearing it out everyday... she is pulling out the 2nd drawer, peering into it and checking what's in it. I never child proof the house and she have had her fingers "kiap" many times. Interestingly, she remembers and gets more carefully the next time round.

They do get more accident prone with the running around amok in the house and it doesn't help that she trips sometimes. My friend told me his son started to cry pain when ever he fall and they found a way of stopping him cry - that is to put a plaster on the area. I tried it on V and it works! she was so intrigued but and stopped crying, its really a good way of pacifying them as they know "its there to stop the pain" wakkaka

I can't stand the fact that a 1 year old child has so much things and its over crowding my house. Can't help that she has things in 3 houses and Grands are grumbling at them too. Just today I packed the store and her room and was damn lost at what I should do with them. Its that stage that we can't throw away or pass down, the clothes are now all over in bags, boxes, the cupboard has absolutely no space. If I pass down and I get pregnant then how? How many cupboards can we buy to accommodate all the stuffs? Clueless...

Toilet: V is starting to invade the toilets, bringing her toys inside the toilets, checking out the toilet bowls (close at all times now), playing with the toilet rolls *rolls eyes*, walking to shower area and asking to have a bath, choosing her own toilet as one has her bath tub with toys and the other we bathe her with the shower. When we bath her she will pump her own soap and rub it on her body. (action only)

She has been looking at us when we use the toilet and will do her dump when I do mine.. wahaha. Her poo timing has been very consistent in recent months and I know in few months she will ask to use the toilet bowl. I refused to potty train her as DD T and his sis were potty train very young and the grands had to bring their potty on every holiday, refused outside toilet even in Singapore. *frowns* I don't want lar... I know coz I have 3 nieces and my sister told me to drag it as long as I can as if you do start to early, they tend to bed wet. My last niece started potty training at 2+ years old and she performs the best. No bed wetting,... I guess older equals maturity. I know some books say other wise, but I'm not eager. Its not any competition... I will start her straight on the baby toilet seats just for dumps.

Sick: The week I was sick, V had a low grade fever and we monitored for 2 days, thinking it was caused by the teething. (She was still screaming and on the go) But on the 3rd day, it suddenly went up to 38.3 and I woke DD T up at 6 am and drove to Mt A's A& E. (Didn't bother waiting for the PD to open) Doctor checked and told us it could be sore throat and so we thought it was the aftermath from the cold she got 1 week before KL. 3 days later and fever persisted... drove back there and the Dr thought it might be UTI. He was really through in his checkup and doesn't help that I'm a very detailed mummy that will feed him with ALL info about my child. We were in the room for about 30 mins before he diagnosed her with tonsillitis. I was totally impressed by his diagnosis as it takes alot from a Dr to go to that extend without doing tests. Especially he managed to glance her throat for less than 2 seconds. I believe it took a gamble and my input did help him much with the diagnosis. Signs of tonsillitis: weird breath smell and whitish tongue. Its a virus and not due to the intake of food. I guess my BF prevented most stuffs except my childhood illness, I suffer from tonsillitis.. my BM didn't immune her as I didn't have that antibodies!

I spoke to 2 doctors, 1 PD and Grands about the use of chinese medicine for children and most frown at the idea. Too young to be introducing all these in their virgin healthy systems they said. I too do not trust chinese medicine as I do not trust unscrupulous people in china and they affirmed my doubts. Flew there so often to know what they are capable of. Only barley they said. So only barley lar for the little one... Though barley not very chinese? but what the heck. V was given 5 days course of antibiotics... I gave her yogurt everyday as antibiotics kills all good and bad bacteria. So I needed to introduce back the good ones.

Vain: Like all girls, she knows how accessories makes one look even better. With a mummy like me, of course she inherited my genes.

Family: We are very family oriented people and will instead of going out, stay in with our parents. I am a believer that Grands teach different sets of values (though similar to ours) to her and want all my children to enjoy this privilege. If the weekends are packed, I will drop by for lunch on weekdays. I like the idea of a whole family sitting in the hall and watching her play. Teaching her things, we as parents are drain to do so after a rough day. Like how Grandma Tay will take time to blow 10 balloons for her to play, record TV shows and burn into DVDs for her to watch, Grandpa Tay will sing and teach her to be calm like him, Grandma Ng to teach her cleaning and read books, Grandpa Ng will take time to play different types of music instruments, taking her to his studio when he practices. All of them will talk to her and take time to explain things, all these I love to watch. These are blessings from God and so we must embrace it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kuala Lumpur

we were in Kul 22-24 May

After the successful road trip to Malacca, we opted for something more adventurous and decide to fly to Kuala Lumpur. All took the graveyard 7 am flight by Jetstar, though early it may seem (kiddos woke up 5am) it was quite a breeze with the flight. Besides the fact that V didn't want to sit and be strap in, she was fussing lots and at that moment I missed breastfeeding, coz that was the only way to shut her up. But the fumes of the airplane did managed to knock her out after takeoff which was good, I was already not feeling well by that time so had to have a quick snooze.

After the flight and the god damn bloody long taxi ride, we reached Somerset apartments. Highly recommended for the price (2 nights per family was $160) and nice location too. We had to wait a long time for to check in the apartments, no fault of anyone just the system as check in was 12 /3pm. Did managed to get 1 room early and moved all the barangs in that room and adjourned out for a lunch with Ryan's family (who was there 1 day early). We had lunch at a Singaporean restaurant Wahahha Crystal Jade stylo mylo one, but as usual it didn't fail us in terms of food, service, private room and the 5 bb chairs.

Lucky for the big room, the kiddos had great fun running around while we ate.

We did the Singaporean thing and got us some drinking water and stuffs for the kids. Shopping seemed more fun with many people as the kiddos entertain themselves while we chit chats. Lucky for V she had her bestie there to entertain her.

Went back to the apartment, got ourselves the 2nd room and managed a nap for all the kiddos while we adjourned for food again. Really if you ask me what I did, I will say eat.. hardly did anything for there was 4 kids' napping time to consider and the weather didn't help much.

The next morning, fully charged we did breakfast in the service apartment and went for the coldest swim I ever had in the in house freaking cold pool. But the children enjoyed it lots, win oredi lor.

Align Left

After the swim, we had to split families as the kids had different sleeping nap time. It was great fun to share apartments as we always had things to talk about and the kids had company to play. I even bought Ern a same besties outfit and we discovered that it was a must to buy the same toys for both of them as they have started to "fight" for toys. So 2 of the same kind is good...

The Ngs and Gohs went for some shopping around the hotel, had a great time sweating.. trust me it was so hot! As usual we stumble upon our favorite A & W and had to have our Root beer float, while there I saw this big billboard. It was 23 May but they were informing people of weather for 20,21,22 may... only in Malaysia! wakakkak

After some miserable shopping and root beer, we went back to the apartment, really not sure of what to do. Brayden came up for some fun while Ern and Matt had her nap. They like to play catching with each other.

Think we spend the day in the apartment and decided to do a makan session. Like in Kl have to eat KL foods right? But cannot go out right? coz hawker don't have 5 bb chairs and we were totally not keen on dealing with cranky kiddos in dirty environment. So ......

our feast for the night!!!!!!!!! The guys went out to buy and Ryan's parents (the locals) drove around and got for us all great food!!! Honest great food! best thing I remembered about the trip.

Then after many rounds of food, like all took turns doing musical chairs at the dining table, were totally stuffed by the end of the night. Some of us sat down to watch Ip man 1 and 2 (freaking awesome show I tell u! and it has been a while that I watched a cantonese movie or even chinese shows) some left for foot massage, and the others left to put the kiddos to sleep. Overall a stuffed and lazy night... The activeness of the kiddos were killing us all and it wasn't as simple as the Malacca trip. Maybe the weather too got us all lethargic and the thought shopping in the weather didn't entice us at all. Or maybe the apartment was too inviting to chill at home...

So the last day, we all had breakfast did some nonsensical shopping again and all except us left for Singapore. DD T had to work and Grandpa John flew in too.. So we had lunch with the customer and went to the office while V busied herself there and me chatting with the mrs. DD T had to do training while we waited to go airport in the evening. So can u imagine how shagged I was by the time I reached Singapore at 11 pm. Didn't help that V didn't sleep on the flight bac and was making so much noise on a very quiet aircraft. She keep shouting "TADA" I think at least 20-30 times, She had laughter and giggles for the 1st 5 then I think it became irritating. So much for flying....

Overall the trip was great due to great company but I was down with the cold (I lied in bed for 5 days after the trip) Think was my popping of Panadol Extra to keep me sane and V was going through her phase that made me have memory loss at selected points of the trips. But it may be awhile before I return to Kl, hopefully I can see more of it the next round.


Im quite sure...

The nonsense has tapered off... there are still some remaining nonsense but today she was able to play by herself after dinner, something she has not been doing for a while... the sleeping routine has improved too, clocking more hours last 2 days... and the most significant change is that she started to ask for alot of milk! Just today she drank 270 ml of milk before her sleep... broken all records! I made her usual 180 ml but she cried after that and wanted more... so I prepared 90 ml and she bottoms up!

I failed to mention she mastered the word MUMMY on sunday morning and has been practicing it everyday. It was music to my ears as she only was willing to say Mama all these while. We gave her loud cheers to boost her confidence and encourage to do better. So maybe she felt better after that and decided to give us a break.

I believe she is all exhausted by everything and is taking time out to recharge, load back the energy she has lost. Mentioned it to DD T and he was like "walau, load up for next month?" We don't know what entails us in future months but I'm going to relax a little before Dd T flies off next week for about a week. *Sobs

Now the routine is calm before the storm and growth spurt after ...*noted*

Monday, June 7, 2010

The Wiggles concert

was sunday morning and we got ready for The Wiggles concert

V has never been to a concert .. we so missed the HI 5 concert (her favourite) that came when she was a tiny little 8 months, didn't think she will enjoy then? Doubt she was able to see anything also...

So when I stubbled on the advert on The Wiggles concert, got so excited lar! She likes them, coz my daughter like music lots and they play great music like a band type.... so I made calls to DD T and he says okie and must get the most expensive as she is so tiny right?

This morning, doing her "mei mei" coz she was nicely dressed for her 1st ever concert.

Drove to Kallang for Macdonald's brekkie... By the time we reached Indoor Stadium, she was a little tired as it was her nap time but was more engrossed with the amount of kiddos around her. We didn't need a seat for her as children under 18 months don't need one, though I think all children shouldn't need one as they were not in their seats most of the time lol. We had half of the stadium, which means we were really near the stage and so the atmosphere was really warm with everyone munching something while waiting for it to start.

The concert started a little later than 11am with so much cheers. We felt the excitement and the adrenalin from the bigger children though V was a little lost at what was going on. She didn't know what to do and koala us the 1st 15-20 minutes. As per instructed by my gf who is a regular concert goer, she advised us to book the aisle seats so that V can dance. After 20 mins I placed her on the floor, told her to dance and enjoy herself. Man did I regret! Coz by then she did not want to stand there and dance but pulled me to the front rows beyond the big kiddos ... even insisted on going on the stage OMG lor! Really didn't help that she was one of the smallest child there, I decided that the side of the stage was much safer as the children was dancing and jumping, for we know the arms have no eyes. 20 minutes and I was so shagged out and took turns with DD T.

I think parents are the greatest people on earth for today I saw how adults sang out loud with their kids and how excited every little thing The Wiggles said or did. There were gasps and cheers for everything, lyrics and clapping to songs that are familiar to them. We the Ngs are amateur compared to what we saw around us!

Towards the end of the concert, everyone was standing up (I really mean EVERYONE) singing and dancing to the songs. You can see a smile on every parent because the kiddos had so much fun and that $160 was real worth it despite the duration was a little over an hour.

have to take a one with the poster
Dd says must buy something...
We parked ourselves by the side... she insisted on going farther.. I was sitting by the speakers
What I meant by big kiddos... dancing and screaming!
I was this close.. she insisted..
Towards the end of the concert... all was up
DD T chose this ... n it size 4 .. means she can't wear .. but just had to get it
V latest cheeky smile
She was real happy with the concert coz she was happily nodding her head when we asked her. Great fun! but damn bloody tired man (parents)... We are ready for our next concert coz we did enjoy ourselves lots today though didn't know most of the songs. Though clueless, we were dancing and trying our best to blend in. Our daughter is however so comfortable, thinks it is alright to want to go up the stage and was walking everywhere like it was her home. Most of the smaller kiddos were actually still on the parents lap and was just watching the show like its TV but V saw that it wasn't supposed to be like that.

She knows how to enjoy a concert!!!