Saturday, June 26, 2010


okie I took longer than I should..

1st my MBP didn't support that PPS webbie... so I used *yawnz* wa kao so slow, I was so pissed with it but no choice coz I die die wanted to watch.

So the next day, I drove to my sister's house and she let me watch on her lappie while my nieces babysit BB[V] for nieces were fantastic I tell you, finally useful lol.

I just lazed there and cheong the show (5 episodes) until evening time when I had to be a chauffeur and bring/fetch my mil to watch her humperdinkadoo concert.Then I had craving to watch so I told my fil to lend me his lappie .. keke ... I stayed downstairs coz DD T's old room cant receive internet and watch ... Not fun as the roaches were having a party in the house (the rain and all brought them out), so from the corner of my eyes while lying there, they were zooming here and there.

Came back home and digged out my old lappie... and continued. Bliss I tell you... n best of all BB[V] knows mummy is busy swooning and decides to sleep at 7pm today. Hahaha.. which is why I managed to finish my series.

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