Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Im quite sure...

The nonsense has tapered off... there are still some remaining nonsense but today she was able to play by herself after dinner, something she has not been doing for a while... the sleeping routine has improved too, clocking more hours last 2 days... and the most significant change is that she started to ask for alot of milk! Just today she drank 270 ml of milk before her sleep... broken all records! I made her usual 180 ml but she cried after that and wanted more... so I prepared 90 ml and she bottoms up!

I failed to mention she mastered the word MUMMY on sunday morning and has been practicing it everyday. It was music to my ears as she only was willing to say Mama all these while. We gave her loud cheers to boost her confidence and encourage to do better. So maybe she felt better after that and decided to give us a break.

I believe she is all exhausted by everything and is taking time out to recharge, load back the energy she has lost. Mentioned it to DD T and he was like "walau, load up for next month?" We don't know what entails us in future months but I'm going to relax a little before Dd T flies off next week for about a week. *Sobs

Now the routine is calm before the storm and growth spurt after ...*noted*

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