Thursday, September 23, 2010

lack of drive

Sorri for the lack of blogging this month....

I think I'm still in holiday mood.. gosh and its already been 2 wks coming 3... my bad

Sometimes you wonder why ppl goes for a holiday and comes back more lax than already is...

Which is why DD T hates to go holiday for he say he cannot jump start his engine after holidays...

I finally understood him..

*Yawns... I swear I not sure what happened this month, just sitting on front of the telly watching dvds and shows...

Been busy looking after V everyday, hardly left her at grands for me time as to pay back my 5 days

You know its a slow month, when I have been driving andf don't even want to beat the red light.. really... hahahhaha

Okie few more days of rotting.. and will be back with a bang next month as I feel its slowly returning....

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