Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Everytime I blog about her.. she changes

She decided 2 days ago she hates western food O.o, her favourite now is pork floss... thanks to grandma Tay who was scratching her head on what to feed her and she opened her tin of pork floss, fed her with rice.. and Tada, it became her favourite food for now

I googled on pork floss and its recipe. Realized its actually chunks of pork shoulder meat, cooked, shredded, seasoned with salt and sugar, fried on low fire for 3-4 hours till dry. So I approved! Coz its real meat what.. protein still right? I mean its really not easy to feed a child meat! hahha going to fish floss soon.. that is if she is still in this mood.  I always thought pork floss was junk food, but I think cookies are way more junky than pork floss... Come on, I was in cold storage today trying to find her cereals and I found that Nestle corn flakes had 440 mg of sodium compared to Kellogg's at 230 mg.. odd right? corn flakes lei...  

So I mentioned in my last post she speaks in 2 words, last few days its has upped.. Today, while we were struggling with her DVD, coz it couldn't read suddenly and she said "Mummy, its not there" hahaha so cute.. she usually just tell me yes or no when I drive off. But today, while DD T was driving, I kept turning it on and off and sensing my frustration, she spoke!

I forsee I will have a very talkative girl... really

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