Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I'm excited to announce that she has pee-ed in her potty... Out of her own accord. She said she wanted to pee, I asked if she wants potty, she says yes.. Brought it out, took off her pull ups and walah!!! Puddle of pee ... And of course there was cheering and motivation speeches ... She was beaming of course.

Now I truly understood when they mean by "when they are ready"

Here is her photo of her n potty on 28july 2011 :)

(silly phone had flash )

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Pearl said...

gd job Victoria! :) anyway where did you get that potty....cute haha

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

We went to like 4 shops to try their potty, mums n babes , toys r us etc.. Those got steps to go toilet, back rest , cushion seats etc... In the end she chose a groovy yellow one from kiddy palace ! Lol guess no frills is the best deal ...

M said...

Good job V! Ry has asked and then sits and changes her mind *rolls eyes*