Friday, September 9, 2011

Bi annual sickness

V was sick last one week. The last time she was ill was in
March/April (according to meds records) . She has the usual cough, runny nose etc. We decided not to bring her to see the doctor's as we have already stocked up the last round of meds at a local pharmacy.

Then eventually we had to bring her to the docs as she had rashes, oh well it must be the neurofen. We realised that we are not suppose to give it if fever was less than 37.5, daddy was feeding her everyday that I was away. So the fever rash eventually came. The doc was really nice when V thank him and he replied "think nothing of it, now I'm treating her, but she may be my doctor when I'm sick in the future." Like I'm seriously impressed with the statement .

The rash that costs me $57, steep but I kinda like this doc. He opens my door and sends me off, he gives good quality meds that allows us to recover. At at 24 hours clinic in tampines St 11.

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