Monday, June 4, 2012

dancing with fluffy

We have a maltese at home, she irritates us coz we all believe she is some pomeranian aka the noisy dog. I'm sure you all know that the pomps are famously known to be the barkers, they bark at everything! Back to my story.... we had the most docile, tame maltese named Kiki, she was like our floor rug. Doesn't give a hoot whatever goes around, she just lazes there hahaha. She passed on eventually ... so we got a replacement maltese which is by the way TOTALLY OPPOSITE!! This dog is crazy, she sleeps, eat and makes the loudest noise, didn't help that her partner on crime, the papillion is just as loud. So its a mayhem when they go into a frenzy..

This house cannot fit my crazy westie haha, so my mum looks after her. We tried having all 3, gosh it was so difficult as they will be fighting most of the time. The 2 whites will gang up to fight with the brown... then Victoria will join in the massacre. So one has to go.... my mum loves her deep so that one is in safe hands.

Victoria loves the maltese, coz no matter how loud this one can be... Fluffy actually allows all sorts of abuse from Victoria. Its terrible to look at sometimes... fluffy becomes her horse, pillow, catching around the house mate etc.. you get the gist. Its the fact she is so giving to Victoria that she actually entertains her in this... dancing mates. Its so cute to look at...


Geraldine said...

omg...the dog is sooooo nice & patient! definitely a good one!

Unknown said...

hahaha.... oh trust me on this maltese, she allows V to do ANYTHING on her. Even sit her like a horse. Awesome with children, terrible with adults :S