My sister requested to have V for the night, the cousins are on school holidays and wanted to have a blast with her. It was slightly tough for us as parents to leave her ahhahahah as although both of us do go on biz trip without her but this time round it seems different.
We got her stuffs packed and although it was only one night, I think me and aunty nita went slightly overboard with it. My sister gave me a look when she took the bag, "sure or not? so many things?" But you know la, there will always be a reason for each item. We had 2 dresses, 2 oufits (shirt+shorts), swimsuit+lifevest, towels, toothbrush, sleep diapers, 3 panties, 2 milk bottles, water flask, 6 feeds... well it seems reasonable right? oh we packed her 2 barbies too...
That night, me and daddy didn't do much... I slept early coz it was a busy week. At about 10pm, we had a video chat with her just to check on her well being, like you can see *very happy. So totally no cause for concern. But I was told she cried just about to sleep, I guess she suddenly missed us. But was convinced very quickly by her cousins....
But on sat, we planned for shopping. Trev was on a roll .. bought ipad, watch and shoes. Ya, some bug got into him. I bought my new phone and we had a not so happening dinner and came home to welcome the princess.... man the stories that came back. hahhah we had a great time :)
Doesn't that make you feel like your little girl has grown up? We let Sophie stay over at my in laws place from time to time, at least it gives grandma an p to catch up with Sophie and gives us much needed rest and couple time
yea thats the 1st night away from us in singapore. its actually great! just not accustomed to it yet hahahah
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