Football season has started which means it gets really boring for me and V on weekends.
At a mere 3.5 years old, V has even commented to her father "Football again? everyday football." Yep a child actually can notice when the father goes disappearing, It amazing coz she started commenting WITHOUT me saying anything. Why? Thursday is football with friends, Friday is Xbox game night (football), Saturday/Sunday is obvious. I got immune to it, but the little one is getting irritated. Well, I guess all girls have this adverse reaction to that sport.
Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation which made me realized I have a child whose mind is way beyond her age.
Last night, was football night as usual and I was up in the room since 830pm. Had my coconut juice and some biscuit wafers as a snack. I called Trev about 11pm, telling him that V wanted to wash her bum, feeling uncomfy. I could hear him eating his pizza (we bought earlier), munching whilst talking to me. Okie he came up, washed the bum and wanted to go down. Then I commented that why he didn't bring up the pizza since he was eating, but his reply was that he didn't know I wanted! Of course that stirred a emo pregnant mummy and I was grumbling.
Me: But you know I will want supper?
Him: yea but I brought coconut and wafer up for u already at 9+pm.
Me: Ya but that was few hours back
Him: U didn't tell me u wanted pizza
Me: I don't need to tell you I want pizza. come on, you should at least give me slice. It came with 2 pc chicken somemore, you ate all?
Him: Aiya. so now what?
Me: Bring me something to eat , we still have the provence bread right?
Him: Walau, damn troublesome, don't expect em to read your mind!
Me: Dammit, if u have had brought it up we won't have to go into this silly conversation!
He left the room and V was like "Daddy very naughty huh"
V: Daddy always like that huh, make mummy angry. Very naughty!
Me: Ya la... always. U think so too?
V: Yes, very... always football, always eat then never give mummy
Me: Yalor
V: Then he gives u chocolate to eat coz nearby right? (we have a fridge near our room, filled with chocolate)
Me: Yes, u also realized?
V: Yes always eat already then give u ah.
Me: Ya la.. thats why mummy is upset. You side with mummy right?
V: Yea Daddy very naughty ah!
At this point , I paused to watch TV, while she was talking to herself.
V: But you know huh, mummy. U also talk talk talk so much
Me: Huh?
V You talk talk talk I don't understand what you say *shrugging her shoulders
Me: Ermm, what you saying?
V: Yala u mummy, talk talk talk. Why can't u just tell daddy u want to eat pizza?
Me: Eh now u siding with daddy
V: Mummy, I side u.. Daddy naughty. But why you never just ask Daddy for pizza? talk talk talk so much also no use!
At this point, my dear husband came in with my pizza bread and I thanked him. V went to pee in her potty and climbed onto her bed. Tucked herself in the blanket, adjusted her pillow and closed her eyes. While I had my plate on my tummy, taking a bite from my pizza and looking at her, Trev got into bed and started watching football on TV.
Tell me or not, that a child this young just taught me that life is simple and don't make it so complicated. hahahah. I told Trev when V was in slumber and he was like "No wonder u looked guilty when I brought the plate in" Ya just tell me u want pizza, life is that simple :S
#Lessons from my child.