Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Photos nearing the day

I know I haven't been posting photos.. aiyo u know this android and its complicated ways of retrieving photos. Must have cable then sync to computer then create folder then yawn yawns yawns. So I sat down today to get it down, tidied up my computer, check camera. very IT day la.

35 weeks
38 weeks
didnt think my face changed much this pregnancy.. in fact think I got prettier
 very compact 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

post 39 weeks

Just came back from the gynae....

The baby is engaged but no signs of dilation and the water is getting low. Dr Han has suggested to induce baby for the safety as once there is a lack of water means the blood supply is not healthy to the baby. I have stopped putting on weight for the month and is still the same for today. Baby is of a healthy weight, of course hahaha.

We managed to say our prayer to St Gerard and are ready, anytime for us now. Daddy is all excited although I told him it may be a long wait for induction but he doesn't really care. Think we will spend tonight downloading shows for our stay, he was packing his clothes this morning like he was going on a holiday, cuteness.

The new help came yesterday, talks abit too much for my liking. I heard her asking telling my MIL" Mdm how old are you, you look so young? Maybe about 40's?" I was rolling my eyes 360 degrees at the statement, omg seriously?? Anyway, talks to loud, works too loud. I was up this morning and she was taking the magic cleaner and cleaning the stair, 'cling clang,clang clang' At 1st I thought my FIL was doing some odd work in the morning but remembered he flew off. I came out of the shower and gave her a shout, a nice shout la.. I mean how can anyone work so loud? Other than that, V enjoys the fact she has more people in the house, me however is thinking how will I find peace, ever? Come next week, I have 6 ( MIL, CL, 2 Helpers, 2 girls) and 2 noisy dogs to deal with. *f.

Sounds like a month of insanity... *breaths in and out. In the past I grumble for the lack of help, now I grumble that there are too many. Needs to strike a balance in my thoughts ommmmmmmm

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rational thoughts

Football season has started which means it gets really boring for me and V on weekends.

At a mere 3.5 years old, V has even commented to her father "Football again? everyday football." Yep a child actually can notice when the father goes disappearing, It amazing coz she started commenting WITHOUT me saying anything. Why? Thursday is football with friends, Friday is Xbox game night (football), Saturday/Sunday is obvious. I got immune to it, but the little one is getting irritated. Well, I guess all girls have this adverse reaction to that sport.

Yesterday we had a very interesting conversation which made me realized I have a child whose mind is way beyond her age. 

Last night, was football night as usual and I was up in the room since 830pm. Had my coconut juice and some biscuit wafers as a snack. I called Trev about 11pm, telling him that V wanted to wash her bum, feeling uncomfy. I could hear him eating his pizza (we bought earlier), munching whilst talking to me. Okie he came up, washed the bum and wanted to go down. Then I commented that why he didn't bring up the pizza since he was eating, but his reply was that he didn't know I wanted! Of course that stirred a emo pregnant mummy and I was grumbling.

Me: But you know I will want supper?
Him: yea but I brought coconut and wafer up for u already at 9+pm.
Me: Ya but that was few hours back
Him: U didn't tell me u wanted pizza
Me: I don't need to tell you I want pizza. come on, you should at least give me slice. It came with 2 pc chicken somemore, you ate all?
Him: Aiya. so now what?
Me: Bring me something to eat , we still have the provence bread right?
Him: Walau, damn troublesome, don't expect em to read your mind!
Me: Dammit, if u have had brought it up we won't have to go into this silly conversation!

He left the room and V was like "Daddy very naughty huh"

V: Daddy always like that huh, make mummy angry. Very naughty!
Me: Ya la... always. U think so too?
V:  Yes, very... always football, always eat then never give mummy
Me: Yalor
V: Then he gives u chocolate to eat coz nearby right? (we have a fridge near our room, filled with chocolate)
Me: Yes, u also realized?
V: Yes always eat already then give u ah.
Me: Ya la.. thats why mummy is upset.  You side with mummy right?
V: Yea Daddy very naughty ah!

At this point , I paused to watch TV, while she was talking to herself. 

V: But you know huh, mummy. U also talk talk talk so much
Me: Huh?
V You talk talk talk I don't understand what you say *shrugging her shoulders
Me: Ermm,  what you saying?
V: Yala u mummy, talk talk talk. Why can't u just tell daddy u want to eat pizza?
Me: Eh now u siding with daddy
V: Mummy, I side u.. Daddy naughty. But why you never just ask Daddy for pizza? talk talk talk so much also no use!

At this point, my dear husband came in with my pizza bread and I thanked him. V went to pee in her potty and climbed onto her bed. Tucked herself in the blanket, adjusted her pillow and closed her eyes. While I had my plate on my tummy, taking a bite from my pizza and looking at her, Trev got into bed and started watching football on TV.

Tell me or not, that a child this young just taught me that life is simple and don't make it so complicated. hahahah. I told Trev when V was in slumber and he was like "No wonder u looked guilty when I brought the plate in" Ya just tell me u want pizza, life is that simple :S

#Lessons from my child.

Pregnant friends

Remember I did mention about not disclosing my pregnancy coz I will spur a chain of preggers friends? Yep we did it again :) . record number of friends are all getting preggers hahahah... even those who insisted on having ONE child are expecting now. We are just waiting for those who has been trying hard so the longest time to have their stork deliver theirs.

Was in the car and mentioned to Trev that for our next child, I am so not disclosing anything and see if this game still works!! Hahahah. It's amazing how pregnancy is contagious like yawning does all of us. ;D

Anyway its going to be an amazing journey, I'm already planning for my trips. Paid for one already in Jan and forgot to tell Trev *opps hahahah. He was although surprised I did that, but he knows all is for work and life has to go on despite having a baby. Anyway he is experienced enough to know what to do with the baby.

Although I did mention a family holiday but he was pretty much against it, I guess with the thought of logistics with 2. But today he was pretty game for a Gold Coast trip, so lets see how my schedule next year. Maybe I will do one in March before I fly off in April *yea again. Its serious school year for V so planning a trip may take a little more effort than now. Or if my body allows, maybe December seems like a great time. For now, if Singapore gets to me, I will just check into a hotel.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

38/39 weeks

We came back from the gyane and I am not even engaged or dilated.. so fun right? My water level for the last 2 visits have been on borderline which is why I have to be diligent is going back. Told Trev that his children are always late but he rebuked "please, my children are punctual" which is true la.. hahahah

Anyway the next visit is on next tuesday which give some time to make a trip to Novena to say my prayers which is great. I'm really heavy now, as in my energy has depleted so much its not funny. I am huge but not that big, as in I am one pregnant mother without a single maternity dress lol, I have the jeans (which i think it is inhumane to wear in singapore coz it heats me up) a few shorts, yea thats about it. I wear my tiny T. and show my bump and flesh all coz its a normal T not a maternity one, can be cute when V helps me pull is down when I'm out, I wear L sized tight fitting dresses, and most of my clothes are pre preggers. I just throw in a cardi to cover fats. I haven't change my bra, I still use the strapless ones, my panties are still the same, except for this week, my boys brief seems slightly snug. But I believe its my pelvic bones widening.

I wear that 4 pairs of shoes over and over, so not buying till after confinement. Coz the size will be different, this is so from experience! But yesterday Trev looked at my legs and told me it swelled, I thought so coz I cannot see them anymore hahaha. I had my waxing done, and was showing him how neat it is, he told me I looked like a hippo, yea very generous comments from the husband.

Trev has been running errands after errands with me, with I think is really great, I guess he can see I really do not have much energy left. Brought me to eat my foie gras and cheese platter (I whacked the whole platter, BLUE CHEESE included yums to the max!!) he said one night, lets go out for a nice dinner and it was really sweet of him. My bills are settled, got to the bank to pay off everything as I won't be thinking about money for a while.  My work has been handled over and everything that needs to be done is via emails or sms. The house is almost ready for the arrival except for the cot (yea not up yet) and the new helper.*gosh I don't know when she is coming.

V is packing up her toys and is so darn excited for the arrival, she has toys prepared for the BB. She and her daddy went through all the toys to find "Margo" - her toy daddy bought when she was born, she found a small rabbit she wants to give. They both did shopping over the last week but couldn't find an ideal one to give the baby, which is why they had a mission to dig out theirs. We are spending time with her bonding and are always up by 830 in our room, where she lies on her daddy for 1 hour -ish watching news and crappy shows. Yea they have this thing...

The confinement lady has been calling, she is restless to start work I think. So am I.... This round I have all the help I can pay for , but I believe the person who will kill me emotionally is still the MIL, even her son thinks so too.. oh well what can I do.  Doesn't help that the FIL is flying off to germany and can't help to control her mouth.

I have been congratulating so many mummies on FB and some of the mummies in my thread are celebrating their child's 1st month. *yawns when is my turn

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Impending labour

Woke up today feeling funny... Just like odd . Can't really explain the feeling... But the mornings as pretty crappy with some work stuffs. Lunch was terrible, didn't eat much... So I believe it's just pure negativity...

Took a cab n it smelt of ciggies and the freaking driver although driving a sonata, behaved like he was driving a manual Lao pok car. Can't freaking stay in his lane, n braking so often... Seriously not fun for a pregnant woman, I finally have let out a loud "TSK" n think he got the hint

Trev came to pick me up from my appointment, I sat in the car n wanted to vomit. 2nd time on the same day, so it cannot be the ciggies or bad driving ;( my stomach started to feel funny, I had to poo. While pooping, I googled and nausea a poo are 1st signs of labour. Ermm remb with V I had the shits for the whole day? Anyway I told the hb and he looked at me with disbelief, looked at my poop (yea that disgusting) & was like not loose ones, so should be okie. I was like hey its my 3rd round today and body is clearing the system.

After that poop, it still felt odd, but trev was like "u had steamboat yday" it's the after effects. But anyway I went straight to charge my camera! Yea it's not done yet... Bathe and did a mask lol!! Seriously don't ask me why I did that, I just felt my face was dirty. Lied down in bed, n he was like " say u hv labour and the 1st thing u do is mask ur face ;S"

I took my hospital bag and checked, realized I forgot my shower gel n toothbrush... Yes I'm so showering.  Packed my tube bras which I just purchased at last min. I'm forgetting the breast feeding chapters of my life. *sigh Trev threw in his travelling toiletries bag, I put in my dress for checkout. Then I lied on the bed feeling tired. I say it's the next few days, trev says its next week, only after his football games on sat. Ya that lame...

Anyway signs are clearer, bb is in on the way. Today was a test on asking us "r u ready?"

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

are we ready?

so NOT...

I have stopped driving since right? the car is being fixed at the moment ...  hefty 10k bill from cycle and carriage (poor dude)

Trev has been my chauffeur everyday, like really everywhere I go... I cab to my destination but he always pick me up where-ever I am. Truly spoiled.. But I have gotten really heavy, the tummy is real tight and I'm waddling. Signs, signs, signs of pending delivery .... my legs are slightly swollen and its obvious when I am in my short dresses. Ermm.. I have yet outgrown most of them, hehehe...

Total weight gain is less than 10 kg, and have officially stopped putting on weight since last visit. I believe the weight is going to drop soon, as I have stopped eating much, I cannot finish anything.. always left with plenty. Whenever its meal time, I frown most of the time coz there is always no appetite. So I believe at next week's visit, weight is going to drop.

Sleep, I am still sleeping till 1230 daily. Yea u DID NOT READ it wrongly, I sleep daily to 1230 = lunch time :) just in time when V comes back. I lunch, whatever there is at home - packed or cooked. play with her, listen to her stories in school and she goes to bathe and sleep at 2pm. I go back to my room to chill further lol, msg or fb or whatever I can do. By 3 or 5pm, I'm out for my appointments... yea I'm more comfortable to have afternoon appointments coz if i do it in the morning, I get real tired with the hot weather. I am done with my workshops by this week- hopefully! and has given all my workshops and corporates to my consultants. Yea lucky them, huh.. earning all my money hahaha. But I refuse to do anything intense for the next 4 months.

I really need to get nested... the cot is not even up. Hospital bag is only half packed... 2nd child syndrome. tsk tsk