Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rosela, Fake measles

Baby Kate had the fever, it started last tuesday and we left it alone as we assumed it was caused by teething. ASSUMED. The last round she had a fever, I got stressed by the In laws and brought her to the PD, Q-ed for 2 hours and came back with a bottle of paracetamol and a $56 damage. PD casually told me "no viral, nothing to worry about.. its THE teeth.

This time round, she felt warm, we gave her her paracetamol and waited for it to ride out. Wednesday was a constant fever of 39c, did the usual, rub the teething gel, gave barley water. That night was a toughie, she latched on to me and I hardly slept. Thursday was pretty much the same and started to get cranky by rejecting her foods. So I made a trip to the PD to get her some meds, she was given antibiotics and ear drops coz part of her ear canal was slightly inflamed and moist.

We gave her 2 days of antibiotics and her temperature started to drop. It all seemed fine. On Sunday, she started to have a slight rash and V had this before after a bout of high fever and we disregarded it. Being 2nd time parents, we were very cool about it and trusted our instinct well. Then the rashes blew up and the pressure was on AGAIN by the grands. I took her to the Doctors and had Trev checked out the insurance plans etc, just to make sure we are covered for hospitalisation.

PD did her checks and was happy about Kate's recovery and YES we were right, it was Rosela. BB Kate got her calamine lotion and antihistamine to help her sleep, stopped her paracetamol +antibiotics. Somehow, I think I should be the one needing the medicine for 1 week of interrupted sleep. * gua gua gua. I spent 2 night helping BB Kate scratch her head!! coz it was bothering her and she refused sleep. 

I blew up the photos to let you see the severity of BB Kate's fake measles, she was a mess. Miserable looking with sparkling eyes and I gave her a new nick name- SPARKLES.

Here is her today in her market clothes.. I have to show you this coz its my 1st market holey clothes!! I have been wanting to buy but never seen them around!!! She looks so kampong with the clothes and the calamine lotion on her body right.. old SKOOL!!

About Fake Measles/ Rosela

Roseola infanturn affects mainly infants from 6 months of age and children less than 3 years. The clinical profile mimics measles very closely, i.e. a prodrome of fever, blocked nose and cough for 45 days and then a maculopapular rash appears. However, there are features which clearly distinguish it from measles, i.e. in roseola:

(a) the signs and symptoms during the prodrome are less severe,
(b) there are no Koplik spots,
(c) when the rash appears, the fever begins to settle and the patient is much better,
(d) the rash appears on the trunk first and then spreads to face and extremities.

Very rarely aseptic meningitis or encephalitis can occur. The Singaporean layman considers it as measles and it is important to inform the parents that it is not measles, otherwise they will refuse measles immunisation as the child "already had measles". They should be told that it is 'false measles' and is due to a totally different virus. This virus belongs to the herpes group of viruses and is chiefly due to human herpes virus-6' (HHV-6) although recently, a newly discovered herpes group of viruses, HHV-7, can also cause roseola. 

“Roseola is a common viral infection in children. It is also known as erythema subitum. Roseola is not a major health problem. It goes away on its own without treatment.
Roseola is caused by a viral infection. It is spread by droplets in the air when someone who is infected sneezes or coughs. It most often affects children ages 6 months to 2 years.
Symptoms progress in stages. The stages are:
Stage one: 3-4 days of high fever (102-104°F). Your child is likely to feel cranky and uncomfortable during the fever.
Stage two: A rash that appears on the torso after the fever goes away. The rash is red and can be raised or flat, and may sometimes spread to the face or limbs. The rash is not painful. It tends to wax and wane (get better and worse) over the course of 3-4 days. Your child may feel cranky or itchy during the rash stage of roseola.


Unknown said...

I remember my kids having a bout of this too! Really a lot of rash on baby Kate. Get well soon! And mummy too get some sleep soon. :p

Unknown said...

Oh sayang little Kate! Calla recently had this too.i had no idea what it was cos poppy never had it. Also antihistamine and it went away in a day. Apparently getting it makes them immune to it when older!

Ps she looks super old school! Just missing the rattan chair haha

Irene Soh said...

Ouch! Get well soon Baby Kate!

Unknown said...

Thanks for dropping by...

its just looks serious but like what the PD said, it doesn't quite bother them MUCH. ahem.. its the nursing mummy that gets it most.. yea.. she is doing great now and catching up on sleep!

Qiu Xian said...

at least you trusted your instincts! Hope Baby Kate is all ok now! :)

Yee Mei said...

I would have freaked out if I saw my kid having that kind of stuff but only because of lack of information. Thanks for the share!

xo, Yee Mei