Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A day of a mommy

Started today real early at 5am, got ready and sent my Father-in-Law to the airport at 6 am. Got into Raffles area and started my 1st meeting at 730! Here is a gorgeous photo of Singapore sunrise. 

Singapore sunrise at Tower Club
By the time it was 12pm, I was stoned from the heat! The best part I was in the aircon room but yet was hit, so I took a shut eye for 30 mins to charge up and continue with work. Thank goodness I get to sms for work as I shift between 10 chats at 1 shot. No one answers calls anymore, right?

I ended my work early at 1pm and took the day off since this is my only night I cleared for the children. Picked them up and chatted with some mummies along the way to catch up. Today's topic was on V's teeth hahaha, aiyo it just drops a lot. Got home changed and went for some snacks at Chicken Up, I couldn't resist having the beer hoping it will cool my heat.  The children enjoyed the chicken 'n truffles fries and they do have good lunch deals. I am so eyeing on their watermelon soju, omg so yums!

Brought them to ToysRus to get V's bff's birthday present, its going to be a swim party. Come to think  if I could turn back time, I could attend more birthday parties :(. Now that they are ending pre-school, it saddens me to think they are not going to have their friends with them as they move on to their next stage ** emo.
photo op
Then aiya my #2 decides to have a nose bleed. Those super random type from her stuffed nose, looks like this one has my airways. My ENT is my weak point and she seems to have inherited from me. This is her 2nd time she has nose bleed, definitely needs to monitor her trends.

I got some swesome photos of them in their school uniform but dunno how to blur their uniform. These are moments when I regret deleting photo apps! arghh coz I was sure I had one that mosiac the background. Anyone knows?

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