Thursday, November 27, 2008
Growth Spurt
Daddy Trev and mummy Flo saw BB[V] yesterday at Dr Han. In a mere 3 weeks, the little one has grown 1kg, amazing!! No ultrascan to show you guys here as she has grown too big to take a nice profile shot. Her ammointic fluid is about 26 mm and her heart beat rate is about 143-146.
My weight increased 1.4kg, so I have put on 400 grams and she 1Kg . It is nice to know that my placenta is feeding her fine.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Prenatal Education
There are currently a few in the market that offers prenatal eduation like babyplus, shichida. How can one justify if it works? Most mothers will give a thumbs up to any product that they buy because they paid freaking amount of dollars for it. Actually I don't mind being a sucker if I have that xx amount of money to play with .
Enough said, my prenatal ed is damn bloody lame and simple, just some classical music for her to listen and dance to. I really don't know if it works but that is the least I can do as a mother with the least amount of money.
haha.. told you I'm lazy. Can't bring myself to hear this type of music everyday (boring u know!!) so I reckon this is the best way. At least the music is clearer and louder since the belly button is nearer to her. RIGHT!? She gets her 1 hour daily dose of music at about 10-11pm everyday, I try to be consistent.
She kinda like "Bach Concerto in F Major", "Tschaisovchy: Waltz of the Flowers" my tummy bobs to these 2 tunes but that was when she was 5-6 mths, as she grew bigger her choices seem to vary. There are days when she don't seem interested and days where she bobs.
Well, I'm just happy that I don't have to listen to this CD...
Friday, November 21, 2008
Cute and Innocent
Well, one day this little girl, Erica, a very bright, very outgoing kid, takes her turn and waddles up to the front of the class with a pillow stuffed under her sweater. She holds up a snapshot of an infant. 'This is Luke, my baby brother, and I'm going to tell you about his birthday'
'First, Mom and Dad made him as a symbol of their love, and then Dad put a seed in my Mom's stomach, and Luke grew in there. He ate for nine months through an umbrella cord.' She's standing there with her hands on the pillow, and I'm trying not to laugh and wishing I had my camcorder with me. The kids are watching her in amazement.
'Then, about two Saturdays ago, my Mom starts saying and going, 'Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh!' Erica puts a hand behind her back and groans. 'She walked around the house for, like an hour, 'Oh, oh, oh!' (Now this kid is doing a hysterical duck walk and groaning.) 'My Dad called the middle wife. She delivers babies, but she doesn't have a sign on the car like the Pizza hut's man.
They got my Mom to lie down in bed like this.' (Then Erica lies down with her back against the wall.) 'And then, pop! My Mom had this bag of water she kept in there in case he got thirsty, and it just blew up and spilled all over the bed, like psshhheew!' (This kid has her legs spread with her little hands miming water flowing away. It was too much!)
'Then the middle wife starts saying 'push, push,' and 'breathe, breathe. They started counting, but never even got past ten. Then, all of a sudden, out comes my brother. He was covered in yucky stuff that they all said it was from Mom's play-center, (placenta) so there must be a lot of toys inside there.' Then Erica stood up, took a big theatrical bow and returned to her seat.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Journey
I may not eat much but my change in appetite makes me pile on the weight, how not to put on weight with such selection of food??? Up to date, I'm hovering around the 10kg mark.. not forgeting the 2 kg that I put on in new york/toronto just before this pregnancy and the weight I put on coz I stopped puffing.. okie I admit, I don't exercise, never was a fan of yoga, pilates, or swimming, I just walk Bam Bam. Good enuff alright...
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
3D/4D scans
Today is our free Siemens scan in Siemens centre at about 1030. It was quite difficult to get a decent photo of the BB as she was sleeping sideways. The sonographer was probing the scanner stick into my sides trying to get the BB to move, I too tried to help by coughing and moving to lie on my side. Despite all our efforts, the little princess was still sleeping comfortably in her "Lala" land.
Daddy Trev thinks that she is stubborn like mummy, Mummy Flo thinks she just like to sleep like mummy and the sonographer Lucy thinks that BB is just plain shy. After about a good 15-20 mins of trying, BB finally decided to move a little. The whole process was not to bad, just that it would have been more exciting if BB was awake. But I did fiqure that it was early in the morning and we usually wake up about 1-2 pm. Can't really blame her for sleeping as I was rather sleepy myself. I reckon if it was a night scan, BB would have been dancing in her videos.
The whole thing lasted for about 1/2 hour and we came back home with a DVD of BB [V]'s 5 real time video and 7 still pictures. From the look of the still pictures, her looks are there but not yet defined . Sonographer says its because she is 28 weeks and there are not enough flesh around her face. After viewing the DVD at home, we think that she has Daddy Trev's upper part of his face and Mummy Flo's lower part of her face. Well, we have about less than 3 months to find out how she looks like. Nevertheless, she will be a beauty in our eyes.
Detailed Scan
BB is about 5 Months here.. Daddy trev and mummy flo is expecting a little princess
Look near her mouth it looks like a pacificier, right? Its actually her fist placed near her mouth, don't know if she is sucking her thumb though... cute cute
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Mummy Flo's work... The last 2 flights
Mummy Flo thinks that BB loves her because she didn't get any morning sickness AT ALL!! All my aunties, mum and sis had serious serious morning sickness that cause them to puke till about the last trimester (it runs in the family) and yes I was spared...
But I flew under the supervision and advice from my gynae; who was very supportive of me working instead of staying at home.
The Discovery
11 JUN 2008
We did a pregnancy test and it was positive. So I made a appointment with my gynae Dr Han, he didn't even ask me to do any urine test or whatever test and got me to lie down on the bed to do a V scan. Dr Han said pregnancy test kits don't lie and "ta da" I was really pregnant." That black dot is the sac of the bb, 8.6mm in length and the expected date of delivery is 28 Jan 08", he said. I was already 7 week preggies .. faintz*