Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3D/4D scans

06 Nov 2008

Today is our free Siemens scan in Siemens centre at about 1030. It was quite difficult to get a decent photo of the BB as she was sleeping sideways. The sonographer was probing the scanner stick into my sides trying to get the BB to move, I too tried to help by coughing and moving to lie on my side. Despite all our efforts, the little princess was still sleeping comfortably in her "Lala" land.

Daddy Trev thinks that she is stubborn like mummy, Mummy Flo thinks she just like to sleep like mummy and the sonographer Lucy thinks that BB is just plain shy. After about a good 15-20 mins of trying, BB finally decided to move a little. The whole process was not to bad, just that it would have been more exciting if BB was awake. But I did fiqure that it was early in the morning and we usually wake up about 1-2 pm. Can't really blame her for sleeping as I was rather sleepy myself. I reckon if it was a night scan, BB would have been dancing in her videos.

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The whole thing lasted for about 1/2 hour and we came back home with a DVD of BB [V]'s 5 real time video and 7 still pictures. From the look of the still pictures, her looks are there but not yet defined . Sonographer says its because she is 28 weeks and there are not enough flesh around her face. After viewing the DVD at home, we think that she has Daddy Trev's upper part of his face and Mummy Flo's lower part of her face. Well, we have about less than 3 months to find out how she looks like. Nevertheless, she will be a beauty in our eyes.

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