Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Journey

Morning sickness, craving, mood swings, headaches, water retention, swollen feet, swollen hands, rashes..

My journey as a pregnant mother has been very smooth to the point of bliss-ful. Why? It is because I don't have any of the above symptoms as a preggie. (Mothers reading *bash bash* mummy flo) Okie my only complain is heartburn.. constant heartburn.

Interestingly my palate has totally change, BB [V] has exactly the same palate as her daddy. My diet now consist of fried food, pizza, sandwiches, sweets and the most obvious change is that I love eating meat now. I mean alot of meat. My teochew palate of bland, simple, soupy, no meat but fish diet is a history of the past.

Somehow I think Daddy trev has taken over my craving. He always ask me what I wanna to eat but I'm always like in no mood to eat. But his mouth is constantly on-the-go. Trust me when I say he has cravings because when he doesnt fufill it, he sulks.. haha

Well I guess its true that daddies gets the effects of pregnancy from the mother. Check out the weight he has been putting on...hehe

I wonder if he will get my post natal blues too since he will be staying at home when im doing my confinement.. yup we are going intending to be hands on first time parents..

I may not eat much but my change in appetite makes me pile on the weight, how not to put on weight with such selection of food??? Up to date, I'm hovering around the 10kg mark.. not forgeting the 2 kg that I put on in new york/toronto just before this pregnancy and the weight I put on coz I stopped puffing.. okie I admit, I don't exercise, never was a fan of yoga, pilates, or swimming, I just walk Bam Bam. Good enuff alright...

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