Monday, August 31, 2009


I organized a trial class for Kindermusik @ Tanglin Mall

Gathered 12 mummies to go class together... had rave reviews about Kindermusik as it wasn't physical but more of singing songs and playing with different instruments to create sounds. I kinda liked the idea of incorporating music into her life.

Playing the drums
this was fun.. pulling her on a blanket.. she was damn happy
cant remember what song
I thought the class finished real fast (45 mins)
dd came in after the class but he said it was long
the songs we sang for the day

pls pardon DD T horrible photo taking skills

We both liked the school, the environment, the curriculum.. so we put BB [V] on a waiting list to start class here. At $25.50 a class, 8 sessions, $63 for materials - different instrument every semester, 1 disc of the music played in class and some notes I think for parents. Total $271.14. So DD T rounds it to $30 dollars per lesson including parking which was about $3.50.

Well I hope it is good..

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