Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lil Gym

there was a free trial at lil gym @ marina square... so daddy trev took time out on a fri morning and tagged along (coz its free ;P ) 

start of class
"ling ling ling"
putting back the bells
forgot what is this called... tambourine? 
making friends... 
see saw, up and down
this one damn difficult, gotta turn her upside down
gotta carry her like a file
that why Daddy trev is here
look at her.. like a pro
parachute.. we held the parachute and pulled them round and round.. hellavu lots of cries
balancing act
teacher commented that she has very strong upper body strength.. true
horsing around
chin ups
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listening intently to instructions
*whistling*... modeling again
my only activity and my only photo 
both getting bored
her 1st stamp 
she K/O the minute we stepped out 
y did teacher keep calling me princess victoria?
then we realized ...

It was great fun for both the whole family even though DD T wanted to sign up, I kinda stopped him as I felt that it was a little too expensive at $50 per lesson of 45 mins. The curriculum is pretty similar to Gymboree though I prefer this Lil Gym's instructors, mainly because they are more enthusiastic. The instructor actually took time during playtime and came to us to comment on V's performance which I thought was pretty professional.  

Hygienic wise, they seem a little lax as everyone didn't wear any socks and we were bare footed throughout.  Kinda weird as the babies were like lying on the floor, but anyway might consider if she grows older to use the gym equipments there. 

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