Sunday, March 14, 2010


the rat race has begun...

What race you may ask? The race that is the hottest topic in town, no longer is "what primary school huh?"

It is "what preschool is your child in huh?"

I'm not joking when I say its damn competitive, IT IS.

Good luck to all and the last count for Nanyang K is at close to 600 on waitlist.. you bet!

But then comes back to this subject on why is pre school so darn important? Coz both nature and nurture is very important in this Singapore society. Nature - V's looks, her hair colour, her skin tone has indirectly affected your perception of her. Nurture - the environment I chose for her to grow up in, undivided attention or a childcare, my attachment parenting. Which is why the trend of choosing the right preschool is so important for the child. Crazy it may seem but that is the trend... the studies may show 30 years down the road that it isn't true BUT are we able to not follow this trend? the answer is NO.. why? Coz the whole of kaisu Singporeans already had a headstart in this race and we are already damn late already.

After reading so much about schools , not much as compared to others, I derived to this conclusion.

1) Learn through play
2) Scientific approach
3) Sets of Principles

Play: playground, space, outdoor, farms, swimming... basically allowing the child to have exposure to nature

Scientific: flash cards, left brain n right brain... stimulating cells not know to human

Sets of principles: studying lots, calculating numbers according to their "styles", abacus... there is a formula on how to study.

I am not going to say brands mainly I think those who have read up would understand where I am coming from. No one is paying me so I'm not endorsing for them.

Next comes the decision... why and how we want our children to grow up to be. PMET (Professional, Managers, Executive,Technician) A child is a reflection of what we have gotten as a child + 100 more stuffs!!! A child is to fulfill what the parents have NOT or can NEVER achieve in their lifetime. Example: Musicians, actor, footballer or even Miss Universe! So we as parents bring them for the 1001 lessons.. hoping that one day "the gift" will descent upon them.

So whatever route you chose is already in your mind... if you are not sure? waitlist on all 3 types of preschools.. no harm right?

edupoll’s Top 10 Elite Kindergartens / Pre-Schools in SingaporePrint
  • Nanyang Kindergarten
  • Maris Stella Kindergarten
  • Pat Schoolhouse
  • Newton Kindergarten
  • St. James’ Church Kindergarten
  • Chiltern House
  • EtonHouse
  • Barker Road Methodist Church Kindergarten
  • Chatworth Kindergarten
  • Lorna Whiston Pre-School
( in random order )

This list is something I stumble on for all to share. I do see a similarity in the schools and that is big school grounds, which I derive as play is THE most important factor in a preschool. Next comes the costing.. these are all different tiers in their price and so private or church kindy didn't make a difference in a good preschool. Only one childcare got into this list which is I believe coz Pat's is a 1st mover in childhood education/childcare. Location of all these schools has a lot of greenery which strikes a good balance to the child and maybe the air is fresher? I don't know but I know that the grounds they reside on are the expensive ones.

One professor once told me this story... it was her daughter's time to move on to a secondary school and the teacher spoke to her on her choice. She said this "My mom says any school is fine but it MUST have a big field" the teacher was shocked at her reply. The professor explained why she made that decision .. she said "every child must have the opportunity to be exposed to all things in school, never deprive a child of the space, to learn what is competitive sports, it pays in life"

It stuck to my brain; I never could take it out..

V may never get a chance to get so much space in her later years as land is a scarcity in Singapore.. so I do whatever I can in her pre-school years.

Headache now? keke ..


M said...

I should start worrying right now shouldn't I cos in actually fact they will be the same year. Crap crap crap.

Ferny said...

After reading all your post about education for your girl, that scares the hell out of me.

Unknown said...

m: ermm ya though i think TP and NUS has great childcare... so just leave her there lar.. convenient factor solved

ferny: ya babe.. singapore n their education system is a mayhem

Rachel L. said...

Babe, you're doing your homework early!!

For now, I'm cracking my head to which Pri school for Dylan...

Unknown said...

rachel: ya lor.. get all my obstacles out of my path!

My Miracle Baby said...

Excellent information provided by this blog.

Child Care VIC