Thursday, April 29, 2010

daddy or mummy

though she talks alot... its incoherent... to me that is...

Mm + Dd: Call Daddy

BB: Looks at Dd, doe-eyed and calls him sweetly "Dadyyyy"

Mm + Dd: Call Mummy

BB: Looks at Mm and calls me "BUBBLES!!!!"

win liaoz lor...

Monday, April 26, 2010

her 1st flu

BB[V] is sick.. her 1st official sickness...

She has never gotten this sick .. her 1st fever of 38.5 and it comes with a cough. This morning she did a slight cough, I looked at her, called DD T to go make appointment to see the Dr.. by mid day her cough had phlegm and I had to carry her in my arms while she napped.

Dr Lim says that this is a very strong strain of flu that is spreading around... MM F is happy, honest, happy that BB [V] has finally fallen ill.. that her antibodies can finally build up on her own. The thing is that she goes to school 2 times a week, she is always out, she plays with her cousins and I was like why never sick huh? I have been wondering why everyone else falls sick except this child and now I know she is normal. We took our 1st MC for school hahah... I asked for 8 days... so drama right? Dr Lim says its only a 2-3 days fever, but my concern is the phlegm.

So we were given a cocktail of medication.. her 1st .. so exciting .... even DD T got excited and we were busy looking at labels, quantity, asking questions..
so we were taught how to medicate a high fever coz she never had it before... nurofen if it gets above 38.5 and paracetamol if below, we are allowed to give 3 hourly of nurofen and paracetamol if nurofen is not effective enough.

The grands heard about their princess falling sick and demanded that we go home tomorrow morning, for her to get TLC. Me not complaining, I can rest too... coz usually the mummy falls sick too right? I haven't been sick since I got pregnant, may be its time too.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

eating n drinking lots

she is eating so well... check out her tum tum .. though selective at times like all humans, feeding her may not be successful everytime.. but I'm proud to say she eats very well... we eat out alot so she is exposed to alot of cuisine... I allow her to have slight salt n seasoning, frown at the MSG and a total NO to the sugars. The only form of sugars are from her bb biscuits and cookies that I use to bribe her to sit in her highchair while in the restaurants. You will be surprised at how selective she is at her meals, she eats damn well when the food is real fresh, throws and spits when it sucks.

she can finish a whole plate of mushroom risotto .. this is from cedele.. one of our favourite joints for great wholesome foods... the closest I can get for a "no junk" restaurant without traveling out of my way.
at home, big bowl of porridge... I double boil my porridge with stock and add cod, spinach, carrots... wholesome too... I try to give her fresh foods everyday if we are home, I don't wake up early for wet market... so Aunty Nita or Grandma Tay buys them for me and I pick them up (washed, cleaned and packed!) She eats $6-10 of fish every meal and eats Sakura chicken only... she is not a fan of pork and beef coz I think her gums are sore from the erupting pre-molars... Grandma Ng buys her beef from tekka market and sometimes I think they are the drama one not me... traveling all the way there just to buy meats.. then she will tell me its the freshest! you koe... okie whatever!

I never give her tetra packed foods or jar one.. tried once but she hates it and I never bother giving her. Though I have started giving her french fries lol.. eh she loves it man especially the truffles fries in PS cafe! (mummy's fav too!) haven't tried giving the macdonalds one though.

I have upgraded her water bottle to this 1 Litre.. coz the 500ml one doesn't last more than a meal... I get irritated having to top up...

BB [V] is a water guzzler... she drinks ALOT!!!! its a damn amazing feat for a bb who never touched a single drop of water the 1st 6 mths of her life.. I remember how everyone was bugging me to feed her water ... say must feed lar, if not won't like drinking water lar... now they keep their mouth shut and actually panic when she drinks.. coz she can finish the mag mag bottle in one go.... I still insist that she drinks water.. no what barley water, chrysanthemum, chinesey thingy powder to mix.. though there was one day DD T let her drink coke and he got a good thrashing from me! But its good to know she doesn't like sweet drinks. I do let her drink freshly squeezed juices and water with ice in the hot afternoon. I think she loves ice cold water as it soothes her gums :)

The fact that she drinks so well is why I'm not worried about the salt and seasoning part in her diet. Can't wait for her to eat KFC! I'm not horrible, just that when that day comes means the teething period is over :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Princess 1st cut

It was getting messy...

was at Grands Tay today and Grandma Tay commented that her hair looked messy coz she has these odd strands of hair (those that survived the hairdropping) so...

hope its grows out nicer.. guess trimming the mess was a gd choice

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

muddle head

gosh .. it occurred to be only TODAY that my girl is only 14 mths... duhz!

the best part I wrote her last post as 15 months and while browsing in FB last few days and when all my mummies friends were updating their status that their bubs "turning" 15 months .. it suddenly hit me that she is only 14 mths... SERIOUSLY!!!!!

I'm a brainless twit...

Monday, April 12, 2010


Its totally impossible to go to the malls coz she wants to walk EVERYWHERE... it really doesn't help that she is so small and most people don't look down. I mean she is standing tallest at an adults' knee.... and she runs.. :( Its really taxing as she rams into people and runs towards escalators.

We hardly go the malls now as she is refusing the stroller (from the longest time oredi) and now she doesn't even want to sit in the beco! Putting her in a shopping cart doesn't work anymore .. SHE JUST WANT TO WALK! boo hoo ..

Last weekend, DD T had a great idea .. we decided to go to airport... big space , not many people and did I mention spacious! After lunching, we just released her and boy! she went on and on and on.... we just hang around in T2... coz we had Waraku..

This was taken in the viewing area in T2.. they had this cool weighing machine!
she is a whopping 10.5kg!! honest, don't look like but she feels like... her tummy is hellavu BIG

Yes, she walked from the viewing hall to departure to carpark and despite the fact she squat down more than 10 times.. she still refused to be carried!

here is a video on how happy she was...

She K/O-ed 10 mins into the car ride.. just in time for her nap.. and the best part it costed us $2.50 for carpark... better than Polliwogs or Gymboree... LOL

Thursday, April 8, 2010

feeding the dogs

she has been watching us feed the dogs... miko n fluffy loves eating apples but only if its bite size... so yday she decided to feed them herself...

n we wonder what other things has she stored in her brain... the mimicking continues

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I did it

she finally lied down next to me on the bed and didn't ask for my boobies to go to sleep...

I'm so proud of her you know.... cause BB[V] survived the worst days without the need of a pacifier, smelly pillow, security blanket, stuffies and now no boobies...

I will miss those days of her needing me... she is still breast fed, but only in the day... once

We are arming ourselves for the day she falls sick... when she was below 1 yrs old we dealt with 1 cough, 1 runny nose, 1 fever from vaccine - all these we hurried to the PD. After 1 yrs old she had 1 runny nose- lasted 10 days without medication...I'm have instructed to the family not to allow any visits to the PD unless its a fever or a rash, everything else she has to fight on her own. Have to tell coz the grands panics, like the last round of runny nose, I stood my stand on "no PD" and they were complaining about her being uncomfortable and all... but in the end she fought it off ;)

All geared up as she gets bigger and starts playing with the big children...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

electric shock

was at wheelock last thurs

We did our lunch at Cedele (one of my fav places to bring her alone.. great healthy foods) and brought her to wash her hands after.

So while we were in the toilet, I carried her over the stainless steel sink and at the same time placed my shopping bag by the side. At that moment, the electric current ran through both of us!!!! I was like a dazed and BB[V] let out a big wail!! It was then that I realized we got electrocuted.. both of us at the same time.... I was like really pacifying her as I know it must come as a great shock to her, for it felt real bad for me and can't imagine the impact on her.

So I was complaining to the cleaner there about the current and the lighting at the side of the sink must have been short circuited... but you think she cared?? Cock...

Many things ran through my head as neither of us was wet and I barely touched anything except my shopping bag... so it was V at the stainless steel sink, maybe she was touching the sink (I don't know) I was placing my bag down and somehow this formula triggered some stupid incompetent electrician shoddy job.

Trust me, I panicked after walking out... I was so worried about BB[V] coz I don't remember reading about shocks and the after effects.... V fell asleep very soon after we reached ION...

I went to DD T's office and was complaining to Grandpa Ng and his secretary about the electric shock... He stood up and looked at me "Lucky you were wearing rubber shoes" (birkenstock btw) Coz it helped you to absorb the shock... You feeling sleepy?" I was hell ya... I was fighting my sleep to drive back... had to have a coffee too!!!

Thats the after effects of being electrocuted ... apparently the body loses some stuffs ... ions, cells?? whatever... I was so cranky after that.. while BB [V] was on the go the minute she woke up...

So it got my thinking.... BB[V] will be wearing her shoes from now on.. everywhere!!! and it MUST HAVE RUBBER SOLES!!!!!!

how she got dirty

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My lil smurf

I tell you.... my daughter is hilarious....