Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Gazillion Bubble Show

She kept on chanting "Bubbles bubbles bubbles" when the ad for the bubbles show airs on TV. So I decided that we should go and watch it since it was father's day and we have nothing planned for that day.

But by the time I decided it was 3 days before the concert and the $79, $59 tickets were all sold out. I made a gamble by buying the $39 tickets hoping that arena tickets may be as comfortable as the indoor stadium ones. But alas, it was kinda crappy! The "stadium" in Downtown East were terrible, aircon was not consistent, the seats were crampy and of course the seating arrangement was not in favour like in a proper stadium. Though tickets are way cheaper than the indoor stadium ones but atmosphere is still not there. Vizpro holds their shows there I think... maybe the $79 ones are a lot more comfortable, I don't know.. maybe...

So we had a empty seats in front of us and by 20 mins into the show, the guys seated 2 seats away left to go somewhere so we were quite sure that seats next to DD T were empty too -Kinda of lucky as it was clock-a-block sold out concert. V didn't quite enjoy the 1st half of the show as it was very detailed bubble making and I think she can't see. Tried bribing her with snacks to entertain but kinda failed and so we went a walk around. Then came a 15 mins break which was good for her as we went out for a breather and allow her to burn off some energy.

The 2nd half was WAYYYY better, with massive bubble making and bubble storms. She enjoyed herself heaps this time round, me n DD T too. This part was way more worth than watching the whole show....

They had bubbles machine all over the stadium and it was a massive bubbles storm! So you can imagine all the kiddos were going crazy!! The parents too la... it reminded I believe everyone of childhood days, you know what bubbles can do to people. It actually makes people happy :) Fan Yang was a genius man! He made bubbles so big, its like magic.... He has always wanted to chase the rainbow since he was young but was not able to until there was one day he saw a bubble and it had the colors of the rainbow on it. It was from that day onwards, he knew he wanted to create the best and biggest bubble ever.

Fan Yang, the bubble scientist roped in his son to do the "2nd generation" of bubble wonder. He incorporated lasers into the show, okie la... just laser lor.. lol

so will we go the next round? I think shows like these take 2-3 years to do their rounds and so V will be 3-4 years old, yes I will bring her and it has to be in front, I can't deal with bad seats. I see the kiddos chasing the bubbles and the enthusiasm was way too endearing.

Just to share: V has her concerts all lined up this year. I'm contemplating either Sesame Street or Barney in September and Baby SSO in November. Think my this new hobby is getting expensive.


Angela said...

Ipcolas loves Barney very much. May I know where to get the ticket for Barney's concert?

Anonymous said...

Barney is Satan's Gay Son...shudder. Cannot tahan!

Unknown said...

angela: when we were at the bubble show, I heard them making the announcement about the barney show in sept... am however still waiting for them to release tickets.

how u pronounce ipcolas? so unique la...

M: pls u r full of shit... satan gay's son? lol i pray the day r loves Barney and insists on going ... wakakak

Anonymous said...

NOT HAPPENING.... She won't be allowed to watch Barney, have Barney toys or sing Barney songs. Cos I cannot stand Barney. So far 2 of my frens who had kids and feel the same way, their kids are 6 and 5, both weren't EXPOSED to BARNEY.

Yeah I know, I'm just super weird.

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