Wednesday, June 23, 2010


just drop in to say I'm going to be watching shows next few days..

My sis came to my place today and told me this show 谈情说案 damn bloody happening.. so I'm watching now... I just streamed the show and aiyo got "Ling Feng" la, so I decided to come in and blog about me MIA-ing for the next few days while I just drool.

I soooooo miss watching TVB shows, the last was when I was pregnant and rotting in bed coz I was so lazy to go out.

I have bloody lots of things to blog about but give me 3 days k.. hugz all *slurpz*


Anonymous said...

babe, can translate wat does 谈情说案 means in english?
i love TVBs too..used to watch daily when B was in my tummy.

Geraldine said...

Hey i am watching this show too!
U understand cantonese??

Rachel L. said...

happy chiong-ing on the drama series!!!

Unknown said...

wa wa wa finish liaoz!!! damn shiok....

A: eh not sure wor... u google it k.. nice nice can watch..

G: nice hor! aiyo so "ham" lei he.... my maternal grandma is cantonese.. makes me little cantonese.. can understand la except all these forensic, physics terms how to understand? but lup lup one i can la.. wakakka

R: i cheong until shiok ha

Geraldine said...

Flo: you never watch Lin Feng previous shows? the one he acted lawyer then he died one...aiyo so poor thing can..
i slow la..i rent dvd de..cos share with 3 families..LOL

Unknown said...

G: walau ... was from tat show thats when i found him cute lor! he acted so well in that show!!! i was like since when this guys so sute.. i swear he did something to his face or something, but then ppl say he lost weight lo.... but his show must watch him stylo mylo one, he poor he look like shit then i not shiok