Sunday, May 15, 2011

long break

I finally can understand when DD T used to dislike holidays, trips, public holidays etc.. I however loved them, not during flying days - no difference at all., but when I wasn't working.

But now, oh my..... no no no to trips, public holidays.. it eats into my daily routine and its not fun for I end up coming back to more things to do. I was pending a Taiwan trip and was in panick mode for the things I have to complete by this week, thank goodness we compromised on the trip to be postponed. I love the high I get from my busyness, a high, kick whatever you name it. Its the adrenaline of being awake at 7 am and having appointments one after another, coming back to play with V and errands I go when she sleeps hahahah. last week I did one short trip to KL and I was packed to the brim when I return, it wasn't funny.

I actually declared myself off tomorrow and Tuesday ... then as I was doing up my weekly plan I cannot afford the off day as it eats into my other stuffs. Oh well, but I packed tml with chit chats casual stuffs which is okie. No training or mind boggling stuffs...

Would love a holiday, propose to DD T and he was grumbling at the fact that just because I'm earning  and working doesn't allow a holiday - typical women he says. kekeke true la... I have a trip every month and I'm still thinking of a holiday. Think we both are jam packed for the coming months, he has his weeks packed, me too... so much for running your own business.... at least we are on the same page....

I so need a personal assistant... can't deal with paper work. I suck at it.... focus on your strengths and not your weakness.

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