Thursday, February 2, 2012

At 3

We went to the PD finally.... If not for the nasty rash (fungal) we may not seriously move our butt to go there. As usually we are your classic patients u do not wish to have. We took 40 mins in the clinic and was given the dagger eyes when we came out!!!!

The last visit was when she was I guess 15 -18 mths. Cannot remb , ya this long ago. Dr Tan was real pleased to see her and was like "I remb this one, had to see a specialist or something" hahaha. I updated her on her breath holding fits which stopped coz we give it to her most of the time. But did tell her, V missed the tantrum sprees that her friends are going through. She actually skipped this stage, coz 1. We give in 2. We reason 3. We home bound. Hahaha actually we plan our day according to her moods. If she wakes up all smiley , it's a packed day. If she is grumpy early, we usually cancel all plans and go home to sleep keke. Coz I have no patience if she doesn't want to eat or listen, I just drive home. Simple actually ... This is y we hardly see a melt down from her.

Princess is 92cm & 12 kg, still in her 25% percentile. Got her all the vaccines which we like missed totally!! Mmr + chicken pox and DPT... All done without any tears and yet she gave a smile after. Dr & nurse gave her much praises as they expecting some drama. We came home n I announced to everyone about how brave she was! N u can expect all the clapping, hi 5 she had!

I misplaced her health book n CDA card. It's somewhere but don't know where *sigh. I paid $307! damn bloody expensive . More so when I'm paying ! But its all worth when I know I have a healthy child :) best part today was when I was I'm the clinic she shouted " mummy mummy look behind u, there... It's buzzing above your head!" you know when was the last time I heard anyone using the word "BUZZING" ???? It's almost extinct!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Anonymous said...

May I know which PD Victoria goes to?

Unknown said...

Hihi, Victoria goes to The kids clinic at Rivervale Mall. Her PD is Dr Allyson Tan ... Be warned its a super long Q lol