Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Okie I really have to spruce my blog up... It's getting wee messy and I better move my blog to a .com coz I realised that i hv been writing for 4 year ish .. Oops like seriously so fast Huh?!!!

So I need to consolidate a new blogroll noting that most on mine seemed to stop writing. N u know me la, I don't go blog hopping anymore... Used to do it last time when I was expecting..

So if u hv a blog n wish to be in my new .com's blogroll. Please leave a comment. I want all info to be there when I'm ready to move it :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

21st Century Mummy said...

Hi It was great to meet you at the Disney Junior event today. Your blog is great. I'm @mummytweets on Twitter and

See you soon, Janine