My gf posted this on her facebook. I watched and I fucking actually miss this aircraft!!! tsk... its been close to 4 years since I left flying, do not miss the it that much as in I would not trade my current career for another 10 years there, but nevertheless it was really a part of me. I mean I was there 10 years and more, a part of you reminds there... I get students/customers who are able to tell that there is that air in me hahhaah, it pretty interesting sometimes.
I really do miss flying this aircraft, from the days of a stewardess to a leading, it was and will be my favourite :) I had the craziest days besides on the airbus 340 which I was attached to as my 1st 5 years which meant I was a euro chick hahah , ya i fly to europe almost 2 times in a month then. But I was also a 744 crew which meant I did my states and of course the infamous London route. It was always the fun aircraft, more crew, crazy expensive fares on that aircraft. Come on it was $21,000 for 1st class and $10,000 for business class. Exclusively was Da word! Service on the London route was exemplary, just a simple economy class, we had cup noodles service, bloody ice cream service! We WALKED FROM SIN_LON, oh man... wow its all coming back to me... London on the 744 was the longest route at the time, especially exclusive to Singapore Airlines! It was close to 14 hours on most times, craziest, zombiest time of my life. Let me not go to business class and 1st class! Yes passengers at that time took pride in dressing up, especially in the upper classes. Well they were on the world's best airline, they better do so! Even the tech crew was the snootiest bunch... F so many captain tyrants... then there was the tyrants in flight supervisors too.
Business class was a breeze because of the capacity, but passengers were anal. Just one of those sandwich class people with super inferior complex. It was a real tougie to serve using the trolley service, come on, I had to cut the bloody cake, serve it at a freaking 5 o'clock position on a side plate, smile, stand with poise, in a tight uniform. Not fucking easy i tell ya! Im pissed coz I got scolded pretty many times for making a upside down cake. Anyway .... trust me it was not easy, I thank god many times that they removed this service. hahahah First class was the best of the best!!!! besides having to split my time making announcements, be being a graded as 1 in my announcement grading (ahem) hahaha , the passengers were all darlings. Millionaires they maybe, but the best. Well brought up, with a handful of lunatics sometimes. The toughest thing to do maybe having to make the bed, tidy when they go to the toilet, make it back into a seat when they wanna eat, then sleep -bed *yawns. Ya only that part... but the food is always a-w-e-s-o-m-e. If you may ask, yes we do eat cavier with porridge - crew style :)
Wow what a close of a chapter, the world's biggest aircraft and I can tell you A380 is nothing compared to this jumbo. Will miss this lady ... loads. You did a great fly!