oh man how time has past...
We were alone for 2 nights when we left the hospital as the nanny requested to come in on the 1st Oct, so were up to the challenge. The only problem was that Trev didn't want me to brief the family before i left to birth and so we came back to many uncompleted tasks in the household. ermm yea I was rolling my eyes, but he shoo-ed me up to my room and I ignored whatever was going now. Thank god that the husband did my 1st confinement which makes him 1/2 a pro; so to speak.
Victoria: That night was a little messy with V getting our attention and insisting that K sleeps by the wall on her bed so that she gets to sleep next to daddy and me. Her odd logic, but we played along, then there was the sobbing that when we move K back to the middle. Apparently we didn't love her enough I think, nope I didn't need to read up on any books to understand this, I was part of a 2 sister nucleus family structure. So Trev and I spend loads of time hugging and talking to her, then guess what? the Ipad came to the rescue, V has long forgotten about her obsession with the item then suddenly she wanted new games etc, we entertained her.
Next few days, the Ipad was still an obsession, she insisted on buying new apps *rolls eyes. Thank god for free apps... but we had to buy a few $1. type just because she WANTED IT and refused to budge. Just a syndrome and is really really easily rectified- now ipad is no longer her obsession , yea the syndrome lasted less than 1 week *phews.
The 1st few days, she insisted on doing everything K does, including sleeping in her cot which is in the hall- together. But after a while, she thinks the sister is a bore, "sleep sleep sleep" complains her. hahaha. I am thankful for the family who has been entertaining her for me as I recover. I had her for a full day while the nanny, mil, helpers were settling in, V didn't go to school for 3 days as there was a HFMD scare in her school and we didn't that virus to drop by. Oh man, she was so noisy she drove me insane and I ended up not resting at all... I believe it was day 6 or 7. Breastfeeding K was also a challenge as V wanted to lie down on my chest as well, and like all mummies day 5-7 the energy dips to a new low when the adrenalines depletes. So V was off back to school and I finally have some peace.
Kate: OMG she is amazing!!! Day 14 and no more jaundice. Miracle of what? She is hardly awake, seriously... drinks 100ml and more, poos at every freaking feed, sleeps. That is all she does! Nanny is great with her, feeding her on the dot every 3 hours, 1st week was on FM as my supply would not keep up!! The day we returned form hospital, K drank 150ml in 1.5 hours!!! NOT EVEN 1 week old! KO 5 hours haha. That was the day nanny came and she was amazed, didn't believe Trev fed her so much, till she took over hahha. Of course we had a little lecture for over feeding her... hehe
Trev had cup feeding duties from the day we returned, one time he brought K up and gave me the 50 ml that he prepared. I took the tiny cup and fed .. my god, K guzzled 20 ml in less than 10 secs. I looked at him and he was "yeap, milk guzzler" we could remember with V, she took 10 mins to drink 20ml (same cup)! V was like a kitten when it came to milk drinking!!
I made a decision to take a milk bottle out as it was impossible to cup feed K, for she finished her milk faster than we could pour into the cup hahaha. That day we gave her 60ml and she finished it in 3 mins, we took out the bottle and she wanted more. Like omg. Nanny came and she was so cute, she said " not even 1 week and asking for more milk" this was after we feed her 90 ml! yeap.
Now that my ducts are cleared, K empties 2 boobs and drinks 90-120ml after . Dumbfounded, yea so are we. There is no such thing as milk teats confusion for this child, she hops from a boob to another to a teat easily... as long there is food. Breastfeeding is still a challenge coz she dozes off pretty easily but to a 2nd time bf mummy, its easy peasy. I just place her to sleep and pick up when she opens her mouth again, seriously this one is just this simple. She sleeps very time and whimpers like a kitten, apparently thats is her cry *seriously? so silent as compared to the notorious bigger sister. With V at this stage, she was already rolling and lifting her neck, yea I'm sure u remember feisty Victoria when she was small. V hardly slept, all the photos of her had her eyes opened, with K, all are of her shut. To capture her open eyes like wow a magical moment keke. Its getting better now as days passes.
Me: Im recovering well, just 4 days ago I had to go see Dr Han coz I was breaking out in cramps and cold sweat. I felt like I was in labour again, it was crappy. Thank god I have his no, sms him, insisted that I see him the next day. It was actually blood clots that the body is trying to dispel out. I was put on antibiotics and painkillers, apparently my cervix is closed and the blood hasn't cleared out yet .*lame right? My odd body... anyway seeing Dr Han was great as we had a relaxing session chatting and making us laugh, its amazing how my Dr makes me n Trev so relax amidst all pain I was gong through.
I had 1/2 a samurai burger which was yummilious hahha, took my meds and we came home. Trev was like "Odd huh, u have a nanny, 2 helpers, a lady for boob massage, aunty for body massage, a mil, a hands on hubby and yet you are in pain" I was like "God is fair, he gives u a great baby and puts the pain on someone else" hahahha. So yes Im still on antiobiotics. I'm actually on bed rest now, was forbidden to move as I stay on the 3rd floor, the Urut aunty came and scolded me for moving about so much thats why there are clots. So now I am in long pants, socks, always on 3rd floor. The nanny brings up the bb to latch, the helpers brings up with my food. I just call the house phone if I need anything.. seriously I could get used to this. TRUST ME of course it came with pain thats why I have this preferential treatment. The whole family saw how pale I was when the cramps kicked in.. Thank god I have an aunty who had this problem and she basically dramatized how bad it was for her and that she felt like death etc etc. So I became the queen at home.
But life is more mobile now, just that the energy levels goes up and down. I have more to write but I need to lie down now.
Sounds like Kate loves her milk! Goes to show that every child is different?
yes! every child is so darn different!! its amazing...
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