{Victoria talks series}
We have been dealing with Victoria inquisitive minds and questions. Many a time I want to write about it but don't really know how to start off. So today I decided to label these convos under Victoria Talks, at least we can look back on how cute she was.
Today on our way to school. In the middle of our convo
Mummy, why the lights not on? *points to the expressway
Coz its now day not night and the lamps will be turned on
only at night. The moon doesn’t shines as bright a the sun.
What about stars mummy, they shine too
Yes they do, but the sun is brighter, when sun shines, it is day. If its moon it’s the night.
Ya, my caterpillar book only has 1 page that is night, then
there is that caterpillar that poo the egg out. What’s that mummy?
That’s the egg, the caterpillar lays an egg and after few
weeks a baby caterpillar is born.
Why egg mummy?
Just like how mummy has a baby, the caterpillar has a baby.
Just that caterpillar is an insect and that’s why is an egg
Where does caterpillar sleeps?
Amongst the plants. (points to the plants)
Between the leaves
Yes insects live around plants and trees.
But that day mummy, I saw a cockroach walking around in the
playground. Cockroach is insect? Sleep in between leaves?
Cockroach, sort of
Mummy what u mean by sort of?
Yes… *II (really no mood for explanation, coz I may just
slip out that cockroaches don’t die and they have live like forever!!)
Talking to herself… caterpillar, plants, egg, moon, stars,
butterflies, sleeping
U know mummy, I know that the flag has moon and stars.
Singapore flag is red and white… but how
does a a Malaysian flag looks like? I dun know mummy, I want to know… I feel sad I dun know, I really
what to know. Like I know singapore flags have a crescent and stars, its red and white. What about Malaysia?
I will show it to u, u have book of flags. Lets go home and see.
You know mummy, dogs have eggs? Do they also like
caterpillar poo out of the egg?
Eh.. dogs different, we carry the baby. Its like baby kate and
But mummy caterpillar then butterfly right?
Yes baby..
Then mummy… why caterpillar has eggs and dogs don’t?
Baby.. we will go home and watch youtube on
1. Caterpillar - life cycle
2. Dogs- - life cycle
3. Natural habitat
4. Flags
5. Solar system on why there is day and night
Okie? Dun think so much
Mummy, you know that day Aunty May say to look at how u and daddy talk, you each have something in the throat that moves up and down.
I just kept quiet before she goes on and on..
My brain cells just got burn at the rate she just goes on and on. I wonder what is the best way to feed her curiosity and how to answer intelligently. That day we were on the road and saw an ambulance, and the "hop on and off bus" , OMG the questions... n I think I am the one that stirs such questions because of the way I explain u know! But thank god for You Tube man. I had to show her the insides of the ambulance and double decker!!! coz she was asking how to go up to the top and how can they fit the staircase inside of the bus!
Oh something to share, V & K has this thing for watching doctors bursting CYST- monster and sick ones. She laughs at how the gloob gets pushed out... its absolutely DISGUSTING!!! she laughs at it and calls these video - Funny video . *omg
Want to share with me what does your kiddo asks? I think it will be great fun to read them!!
Want to share with me what does your kiddo asks? I think it will be great fun to read them!!
Oh my... the questions... Poppy started at about 3 and is still going on strong! At first it was just why why why. Now every answer to every question just fuels a new question!
its lovely and frustrating at the same time. Its just us trying to answer the best we can but fail!as they grow older, the questions they ask needs more in depth analysis from us!!
Haha i can totally relate to this.. the shi wan ge wei shen me.. sometimes i just get tongue tied or tired.. but yes, it's lovely at the same time!
tks for dropping by summer.. alot of gua gua gua moments but so endearing
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