Tuesday, February 5, 2013

4 months old (KL)

Most day I wonder where her newborn days went... if I had Kate as my 1st born, I may seriously have 4 children by now. I mean I read that all babies are different but hell ya we have 2 girls of the ends of different spectrum!

A simple task like drinking milk, its a daily chore but for V it was war. I still remember so clearly that we went through 6 different bottles and I even got Tollyjoy (old skool brand!) For K, it really doesn't matter what brand, what teats, she just takes it. She swaps between a boob and a teat like a professional.

Sleeping takes a little bit of pattern like bouncing and we recently realised she loves loud music when we are to put her for naps. So my helper plays her music from the hp LOUD and she snoozes. Odd right? but whatever that works la!!!!! For V ... like what my mum says, putting V to sleep was like walking to Penang and back, and yet it doesn't always work. V hates to sleep. *period

Its usually pretty crazy a night. but we try to be all up by 830, latest 9pm. We as a family will roll and play about. Then its off to sleep. K sleeps from usually 9pm to the next day. Yes she gets her buffet at that time but currently is 1am and 6 am. Most time she skips the 1am now, but its crazy 6,7,8 am. Whatever makes her happy, as long I get to sleep. Last night, all 4 of us slept at 10 pm .. ya omg miracle!!!  I was fighting my virus, refuse to succumb to antibiotics for my tonsillitis. 

She is showing signs of teething and that Lunar 4 th mth thingy that I did. Didn't quite help with the drooling, she still plays with puddles of them. 

my morning smile
doesn't look like a 4 mth-er right?
yes ur eyes are not kidding u... she is in a high chair. wobbles still 
my angels daily
67cm long
outgrowing her swing.. she sleeps on the bed now.
its playground daily and nana insists that one of them wears the watch !!! 
always love that one drop of milk after latching
catching up real soon
i stress again...  i wake up to this DAILY
party gurl!!
yes another morning smile.. now u know why Im always happy 
the little one loves to stand. 

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