Thursday, August 15, 2013

My days out in Hannover

Trevor has been busy the last days and I was left to fend for myself.. which I absolutely love :) Think the last time we did this long trip was when we were in NewYork and Toronto for 2 weeks. Next came a Beijing and a casual Bandung... I love to travel with him, mainly its time out for us and also he gets to work whilst I rot slightly. The husband is bad at travels coz when its a family leisure travel, he just laze around and not do much. Which sucks much coz its not much a holiday, going out with the kids are just too much of "work" and we end up having our personal "work" trips after hat as a payback :P. 

We touched down in Frankfurt and took a sector to Hannover. Checked in and we had someone who came to pick us and brought us to BALTIC SEA. I would love to post more photos but they need to be edited and so I took out some raw photos which I think looks awesome. 

Baltic Sea "Sea, northern Europe. An arm of the Atlantic Ocean, connecting with the North Sea, it is about 1,000 mi (1,600 km) long, covers an area of about 149,000 sq mi (386,000 sq km), and has a maximum depth of about 1,500 ft (450 m). It receives the Vistula andOder rivers and many other rivers. It is enclosed by Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, and Russia. It has two large arms, the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. The modifying effect of the North Atlantic Current is scarcely felt; its waters contain only about one-fourth as much salt as the oceans, and it freezes readily."

I love the sea, I think I have conquered most oceans. Not a fan of beach though, just odd like that. I like looking at them coz its all peaceful and calm but do not like to be in them. You hardly see me going on beach holidays, I did one recently to Bali thinking I may have changed BUT nope.. didn't rock my world again. I think it was after my trip to Fiji with Trev during our courting days, Fiji was B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L... everywhere after kinda sucked. Yes, I got spoiled because I went to one of the world's untouched beaches.

clear, only 1/4 of the salt as the ocean. 
just another photo for the records. My legs has uneven skin tones ;9
I looked ridiculous I know, just because Germany decides to be cold in summer. Just last 3 weeks they have heatwave at 38 degrees and this week bam, 15 degrees. my wardrobe is in a mess but really dun care much this trip. We did the whole walk and ate too much...

One thing I LOVE to do when I'm overseas is to visit the gardens. I take the trouble to visit them coz I feel very rooted amongst the greens. Definitely have loads of beautiful memories of gardens from most europe country and this one in Hannover is equally as impressive. Just I am typing this, I feel that pang of irony just because I do not do gardens in Singapore. *boo.. ya i know :P

I travel well and easily alone. My bag is usually equipped with a good read, my music in my hp, a map (if needed) and a bottle water. I truly enjoy my own company much coz its the time for me to think and dwell with my inner self. This explains how my hb never bats an eyelid when I disappear overseas or decides to book a ticket just because I need to be alone. Thats how I recharge ;)

Something I do very often, I love getting a little lost. I am not like most girls who cannot read maps, so I was told. I bask in the fullness of the city by walking around aimlessly and suddenly discover that one thing that stays in my mind forever. Isn't this what makes travel fun?

I got lost .. sort of
wind, sun in my eyes and a crappy photo
lost = to a beautiful picture

Lines of tress and pavements 
 Then of course found that I have to pay to go into this gardens *duhs. Just because the previous route I ventured was just a little to deserted.

 Finally found the Herrenhausen Gardens "The Great Garden has always been one of the most distinguished baroque formal gardens of Europe while the Berggarten has been transformed over the years from a simple vegetable garden into a large botanical garden with its own attractions. Both the Georgengarten and the Welfengarten have been made in the style of English gardens, and both are considered popular recreation areas for the residents of Hanover. The history of the gardens spans several centuries, and they remain a popular attraction to this day."
the lone traveller, selfies 
I can stay here forever... just to recharge
look up and that rainbow appears... just like life issn't it?
How a lovely day should be
 I didn't expect such beautiful photos and am sure I have much more in my camera which I .

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