Friday, September 6, 2013

Sambal Pasta

I posted this on FloMummy Fb page and had great responses just because it looks very yummy!!

I must give credit to my girlfriend Tracey Khalid-Cherbonnier who posted her mummy's famous Sambal Pasta and I HAD TO HAVE IT. Of course, she got it for me and man it was under what we can addressed as an Easy Peasy Singaporean recipes!

So here it goes:

Sambal Pasta

Rempah (Paste):

1.  100 grams Dried Chilli
2.  4-5 pieces of Purple Onions
3.  1/2 slab of Belachan
4.  Blend the above.  (Makes 2- 3 rounds)


5. Grind Haybee (dried shrimps)
6. Boil 1 pack of macaroni Al dente.
7. A packet of clean tau gay (bean sprouts)

How to :

8. Prepare oil
9. Fry hay bee
10. Add rumpah till fragrant
11. Add taugay
12. Add macaroni
13. Add ketchup (LOADS)
14. Add slight black sauce

I found it to be so easy just because my house had everything. I stay in an eurasian house, rempah and haybee is a regular frozen item in the fridge. If not the market sells chilli paste now right?.

I added luncheon but my girlfriend used prawns. Do whatever u like! But I must say this dish is da bomb!!
photo credit: Tracey Khalid Cherbonnier's mummy version 
If u ask me for the simple version.. for a easy, peasy quick and fast meal.

1. Sambal chilli paste from the super mart
2. 1 packet of pasta
3. Tomato ketchup
4. Black soya sauce
5. Vegetable
6. Whatever meats U like..

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