Thursday, January 16, 2014

Kate lauren - Her 15 month old

Last 1 week has been crazy with this toddler. She decides that it is OKAY to remove her clothes just before she sleeps. I remember going through this with V b4, but some how with 2 children on the bed.. it takes more from me. 

Nightly routine: the girls gets their shower and they lie on the bed to have their bed. Yes, still from bottle, don't judge me about the bottle weaning. V is impossible to wean at soon to be 5yo! She has opinions about her bottle weaning process and we know she is of a character, I just let it be for peace sake.  K will have her milk 1st usually, she eats too much in my opinion but to eat is better than not eating. So no comments. Actually, I hardly write about my #2 born coz she is such an angel and blogging usually jinx it much. But since this topic is jinxed, so lets unjinx it by blogging. Hur hur hur, Bloggers have a odd mindset. Okie, I swear to have her blog posts updated/backdated. I hardly blog now coz my time to blog is usually at night, but now with 2, I just want to roll in bed with them. You get me right?

this was when it FIRST happen. so cute. *WAS
Back to topic.... omg this K is cheeky like all 2nd born I presume? She has that natural knack for getting attention and it makes the sister way jealous. K is just so comical is her ways, she makes us laugh so much with her silliness! So now she is removing her PJ! She decides that it is okie to NOT HAVE clothes in a 20 degrees small room. After 3 mins, she decides that there is that chill... she wants it BACK ON. So the cycles goes on and on and on. Don't let me start with the socks, omg. Left foot then right foot, wear then remove. 2 nights ago, I went through this for 3 freaking hours! The father decided to put them to sleep at 8pm, claims that they are tired * rolls eyes. When I was done with my TV (me time) K woke up and started. The best part is she will innocently tap u at your shoulder until u wake up to remove her clothes or vice versa. I swear it was funny at 1st but when it was 230am, I was zonked and needed the rest. 

You see bed time is not so fun. We have to ride this out and I seriously hope its not going to take too long. This was taken last night and after all the dressing and undressing, we gave up and threw her under the sheets, turned off the lights and TV. She fell asleep next to her father while V was next to me (extreme whiny). I woke up to a baby whose head was all drenched coz of the father's body heat and the bed had that pool of wetness from her perspiration. Now, what a great opportunity to catch that cold right?

So Im blogging to unjinx this crazy thing she has and that it will slide and never come back. Till tonight when I battle another round with her. Its my duty coz its thursday and the father goes for his weekly football. Nope, it still goes on despite being on reservist for the last 7 days.

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