Friday, March 14, 2014

Diary Post #2

Thank God for husbands or rather my husband. He came back from his football, came to my side of the bed and gave me a big bear hug. His reason coz I looked so sad. Love de right? We had our night conversations and updated each other of our crappy day/week/month. Looks like he is having a rough ride too and it didn't help I was away on a Taiwan trip with my girlfiends druting his down time. So we spent the night catching up and sharing the "oh not so fun march" which sort of lighten my heart real much coz I woke up with a lighter heart. Thank God for children.. I'm serious. To see them and spend time is God's grace, on days like this is gratifiying to soak up their love. Days that darkness loom and blinds that heart.

I am slightly better though my direction in life is bleak. My purpose seems unsure but it is a life cycle that I have to go through. I am eating the $2 nasi lemak in the banana leaf type if you are curious, simple food bring pleasure in a significant way.

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