Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Asian Digital Mum Report 2014

I was invited by The Tickled Media's (runs, The Asian Parent, Kidlander) presentation of The Asian Digital Mum Report 2014.

Now what is it u ask, its plainly put by me as Consumer Behaviour. This interest me alot as a blogger and an entrepreneur mainly because my target market are mummies. I love being a mum, the day I became a mum, I grew up - Instantaneous. Grew up not only coz my VJJ squeezed out a 3.5 kg but emotionally I discovered that I have so much love and that I can love something other than myself so EXTREME. Topics pertaining parenthood interest me and I "hang" around forums like it was MY LIFE. My forum mummies are my buddies and those who experience the same drama of 1st stages of motherhood like me became immediate BFFs! Those bitches in school that I didn't talk coz they talk behind my back, well they became my tea buddies.  Doesn't help that I was suddenly great friends with my husband's old buddies wives, or that his cousins and I have a common topic. There was just a common denomintion and it was because we became MOTHERS. Right on people?

When I had my 1st born, there was no day or night. Google was my dear friend  *opps I will rephrase it  STILL is my bestie. I don't remember talking much to humans, I texted more. Facebook was my way of chatting with forum friends- with those I decided to be friends with. Whatsapp group chat rocked and is still RAWKING (although I'm more incline to LINE for their cute cartoons, album creation) With the social apps, I felt that I was still connected to the world while staying at home looking after the baby. During that 1 year,  I bought so MANY THINGS that I don't need. Just because the mummies around me was stirring shit (my husband's term, mainly coz he paid for the purchases) and I joined endless BP (Bulk Purchases) just because when 20 people buys and its cheaper by 15% or whatever I was suckered into.

All these experience somehow formed me into this era of DIGITAL MUM. Yes, I was one of those people this particular report is talking about. Just to share of the photos of the event before I blog on the report on what was interesting. (Photo Credits: Tickled Media)

Find me! (Obviously playing with my smartphone)
 I do what a blogger would do, post in Instagram and share on FB!
Yep, my social media savvy mummies saw the mistake! They were more upset than me hahah!
I need to sit better, omg
The panel of speakers: Meri Rosich,Holly Lam,Mantazh Khanna,Meiling Wong and Simon Kahn
{Based on The Asian Digital Mum Report}

I will share what this report on: Based on 10,000 mummies surveyed in SEA (2729 Singapore, 668 Malaysia, 2456 Indonesia, 4586 Thailand), it is noted that The Asian Digital Mum is the primary household decision maker aka the Chief Household Officer! A whopping 89% of purchases are of her influence, well apparently mummies do make use of what we see online as we slowly but surely decrease our usage of television . 99% of us use Smart phone to go into parenting sites, check emails and be on social media. Then I wonder WTH the last 1% do? I do agree that mummies make decisions based on the word of mouth reccomendations! Yes, that powerful.

Source: The Asian Parent
Source: The Asian Parent

Its amazing to know the statistics,  with 91% of Asian mums reading parenting tips when using the Internet, it is clear that motherhood changes a woman's priorities when she is surfing the web. The most read topic online amongst mums in Singapore is parenting tips at 89%, with the second most popular being family activities at 72%

Source: The Asian Parent
I though this info was really great as a blogger. For at least I can have clear targeted topics to write about.  I too discovered that I am in this group of digital mummies called Power Internet Mums for we use internet more than 80 hours a week. I admit, I touch my smartphone abit too much. Well, not all days I'm shopping or chatting but I like to research things. Research means seeking advices and 74% of Asian mums turn to the internet for help instead of consulting friends or families *guilty much

It's crazy to note that Android reign as the preferred platform at 51% vs *ahem IOS (sorry no longer my 1st love for smart phone) Those still using the smaller screen, please do something.. my blog says so. Hehe. 

Now, what social platforms are preferred?

Quite obvious isn't it?
Source: The Asian Parent
There are whole lot of information in the research but it will be seriously pretty wrong for me to share the whole report. I will be keen to share with you if you are keen ;) But I'm noting a trend in G+ and see you there more often from now on! I'm a Power Internet Mom who read trends very well too. 

I love one statement in the report's conclusion which i'm quoting:
"Mums are impatient -- when they want information, they want it immediately. From status updates to Instagram posts, she is eagar to share her thoughts, worries, interests and proudm joyful moments as they come. The trick is to keep up with her, or get one step ahead" 

Absolutely well said!

You can read here for my post on blogging mummies.

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